Search Results for: GDPR

How to Use Jetpack for GDPR Compliance

Jetpack Comment Settings Cookies and Consents Banner Widget Jetpack Analytics Opt-out Option The European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented in 2018 to replace the Data Protection Directive 95/46/ec. The following article will focus on how to use the Jetpack plugin towards meeting the GDPR requirements. We will look at the Jetpack Read More >

Adding a Cookie Notice for GDPR in WordPress

If you are using cookies on your WordPress site and have visitors from Europe, you should let them know. This requirement is due to the EU adopting the General Data Protection Regulations also known as GDPR. You can easily comply with GDPR requirements by implementing a cookie notice using a 3rd party plugin. (This article Read More >

GDPR Compliance in PrestaShop 1.7

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance is important for all websites storing customer information. Below we cover how to improve GDPR compliance with the Official GDPR Compliance by PrestaShop module. Configure GDPR Compliance Log into PrestaShop. Select Modules & Services under Modules. Select Selection from the top and search “GDPR“. Press Install under Official GDPR Read More >

GDPR in Open Web Analytics

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance made user privacy an important step in web design in 2018. The popular WordPress content management system (CMS) built in a GDPR section to assist its users with compliance while other CMS’s offered plugins to do the same. Open Web Analytics doesn’t have a GDPR module but added features Read More >

Recover Lost Revenue With Woo Cart Abandonment Recovery

Woo Cart Abandonment Recovery is a free plugin for WooCommerce designed to help store owners recover lost sales by targeting customers who abandon their carts before completing a purchase. This powerful tool automates the process of following up with these potential customers, increasing the chances of converting abandoned carts into completed sales. CartFlows, the developer Read More >

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Drupal Education Channel

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Welcome to our Drupal Education Channel, your go-to resource for mastering the art of Drupal web development. Whether you’re a beginner looking to build your first website or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your Drupal skills, you’ve come to the right place. Our comprehensive tutorials cover everything from Drupal installation and configuration to advanced theming, module development, and site optimization. With step-by-step guides, practical tips, and real-world examples, we’ll help you unlock the full potential of Drupal, a powerful and flexible content management system (CMS) that’s trusted by organizations worldwide. Dive in, and let’s embark on a journey to harness the full potential of Drupal for your web projects.

Ignite your online presence with cutting-edge Drupal Website Hosting. Elevate speed, security, and reliability for a seamless website experience.

Getting Started with Drupal

Basic Tasks

After getting your website set up, these articles can guide you through adding important features to your site.

Advanced Tasks

These guides cover topics that businesses may need to understand for better marketing and regulation compliance.

Search Engine Optimization

Security and Privacy

Other Drupal Tutorials

Matomo Rocket.Chat Integration

Rocket.Chat has native features for connecting with Matomo Analytics (formerly Piwik). This provides metrics to help you better understand how users access your chat system, whether any malicious links are being shared internally, and more. Read on to learn more about the Matomo Rocket.Chat integration. How to Configure the Matomo Rocket.Chat Integration Test Your Rocket.Chat Read More >

Custom Joomla 4 Privacy Policy

The Joomla 4 Privacy Policy plugin forces users to acknowledge and agree to your website privacy policy. If manual user registration is enabled, they’ll be prompted to read it within the registration form. Existing Joomla 4 users will be notified of the new change upon their next login. Disabled by default, the Privacy Policy plugin Read More >

Enable and Customize Joomla 4 User Registration

Joomla 4 user registration is disabled by default. For many website owners, this is a more preferred method to secure Joomla from cyber attacks and unauthorized users. This could become overwhelming for eCommerce sites and forums, though.  Fortunately, enabling Joomla user registration and custom registration forms is a painless process. Allow Joomla 4 User Registration Read More >

Website pillar page header image

Website is a very broad category for organizing the many main topics that are involved when working on creating, managing,  or troubleshooting websites for the internet. This page divides the articles into 7 major sections: Website Creation and Management, Website Troubleshooting, SSL Certificates, Domain Names, Databases, Login Support, Security.

Website Creation and Management

There are many tools or applications that can facilitate website creation, website design, and server management. Here you can find familiar software applications and some great guides for beginners looking into building a website.

Website Troubleshooting

Working on a website will eventually cause you to become familiar with error messages and techniques to troubleshoot problems you might encounter. You can see the articles for website errors in the Website Errors category.

SSL Certificates

If you’ll be accepting credit cards or other sensitive data on your website, you will want to secure it with SSL. You will want to provide secure connections between you and a customer. SSL certificates provide trust and can also help with your search engine rankings.

Domain Names

You can point your domains, add domains or create subdomains in your cPanel. Domain names are important because they are what identifies your website and what people will use to get to your internet location.


There are many things you can do with databases. You will see links to common database procedures. You will also be able to see the guides on many different types and topics databases.

Login Support

There are several ways to get logged into the cPanel interface that is used to manage your website with InMotion Hosting accounts. You will also become familiar with how to recover passwords from the different application interfaces.


Security is extremely important when working on a website. You will need to become familiar with the different ways to secure your website and how privacy laws operate in different parts of the world. There are also guides for security in applications you may have used in the creation of your site.

What is LimeSurvey?

LimeSurvey is a free and open-source online survey application used to create a wide range of high-quality online surveys and questionnaires. The web server-based software gives users the ability to develop and publish online surveys and collect responses without doing any programming.  With LimeSurvey, you can learn more about people, their interests and opinions, as well Read More >

How to Use Super Socializer on WordPress

Learn how to use the Super Socializer plugin to seamlessly integrate social media tools with your WordPress site. This helps drive more online interactions and engagement from your visitors since it provides a fast and easy way for them to share and interact with your website.  Installation and Setup General Options Enable Social Commenting Enable Read More >

How to Install the Matomo Analytics WordPress Plugin

Matomo Analytics, formerly Piwik Analytics, is one of the most popular Google Analytics alternatives available today. The open source web analytics suite has a long list of features and over 50 plugins available to customize user interaction and tracking and for your marketing and privacy needs. The recommended shell_exec PHP function cannot be enabled on Read More >

Mastering Your WordPress Site Structure

You already know that the design of your WordPress website is very important. Countless articles tell you that your website must be visually engaging, encouraging visitors to come back regularly. However, to truly increase your audience retention, your website must have a good site structure.  Mastering your WordPress site structure is key. A good site Read More >

How to Add Referrer-Policy and X-Frame-Options in Zenphoto

After installing the Zenphoto image gallery content management system (CMS), available in Softaculous, there are multiple ways to easily improve website security: Force HTTPS (SSL certificate) Enforce minimum password strength Data privacy settings for GDPR and CCPA compliance But as stated in our Web Hosting New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 blog earlier this year, there Read More >

Best Practices for Using Checksums

In this article: Checksums Best Practices Checksums Defense in depth involves layers of security, and file management is a core part of it. If you offer or recommend downloadable content, it’s important to understand the importance of verifying checksums on your Linux server, PC, or Mac. Whether you use a content managment system (CMS), framework, Read More >