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WordPress Hosting Documentation for InMotion Hosting

Getting Started with your new WordPress Hosting plan

WordPress Hosting refers to hosting plans that are optimized specifically for WordPress. 

Our UltraStack infrastructure ensures that your WordPress site is hosted on WordPress servers that deliver not only speed and reliability but also allow server-side caching. 

In addition, all WordPress Hosting plans come with an advanced caching tool. This tool allows you to select your cache profile. The WordPress-specific profiles include Standard, Dynamic, and WordPress Multisite. Customizing your caching in cPanel will bring a new level of speed to your WordPress website.


One of the best perks of WordPress Hosting is that each plan comes jam-packed with useful features. The articles below will help you maximize your WordPress Hosting account and give you a better understanding of how our WordPress-optimized servers help you get the best performance out of your website.

WordPress Hosting Basics

Getting started with WordPress Hosting is a simple process, but if you’re new to the CMS, it can seem overwhelming at first. Explore our WordPress Hosting basics articles for step-by-step directions that will walk you through how to install WordPress and help you become familiar with the tool. 

Billing & Renewals via AMP

Billing for all InMotion Hosting accounts is done within your AMP (Account Management Panel), which controls all billing-related items associated with your hosting account.

Since you will be using AMP to manage all your billing-related needs, take time to read the following articles so you know how to log in to it and use it.

Transferring WordPress Websites

You shouldn’t be punished for moving your WordPress website to a new host, that’s why we offer free, no-hassle website migrations. 

However, if you would rather take care of your website transfer yourself, the below articles will help you ensure your transfer experience is as smooth as possible. 

Configuring Your WordPress Hosting

Once you have purchased a WordPress Hosting account and either transferred or set up your website, you’ll want to customize it to match your specific wants and needs. 

Check out these articles for a walkthrough on how to configure WordPress and customize it to your desired specifications.

WordPress on Dedicated Servers & VPS

WordPress Hosting on a Dedicated or VPS server helps you get the most out of your website by providing you with dedicated resources on high-performance servers that can be tailored to match your needs.

If you decide to go for a VPS or Dedicated WordPress Hosting plan, there is some additional learning required. 

Explore these articles for help setting up and configuring your VPS or dedicated server.

Troubleshooting WordPress Hosting

While WordPress is user-friendly and generally not too difficult to use, that doesn’t mean you won’t run into problems from time to time. 

The below articles will help you tackle some common WordPress troubleshooting issues.

Jetpack Documentation

Jetpack is a powerful WordPress plugin giving you a full set of tools which assist with building, maintaining, and keeping your website running smoothly. From automatic website backups to protection from brute-force hacking, Jetpack comes packed with advanced features that anyone with a WordPress website can benefit from.

Explore these articles to learn how to install, setup, and use Jetpack.

Advanced Users

WordPress is a versatile tool that becomes even more powerful as you increase your knowledge and understanding of it.

After you have learned the basics, check out these helpful guides and tutorials to become a WordPress expert. 

WordPress Hosting Community Support

Another great thing about WordPress is that it’s open sourced and has a fantastic, supportive community to help you learn about the CMS and expand your WordPress knowledge and skillset. 

Explore these helpful resources to help you solve problems and master WordPress. 

Explore All WordPress Hosting Articles

The Jekyll content management system (CMS) is designed to create lightning fast, highly portable, version controlled static websites and blogs written in simplified Markdown syntax. Unlike dynamic content management systems, Jekyll works by parsing a series of text files and generating static HTML files from there. This means the entire site can be contained in one directory — no databases, no external applications needed, just the bare web server requirements will make your Jekyll site run lightning fast. No caching required.

And the Jekyll program itself creates a live server environment, so you can test your site before publishing it. No need to create a local server environment. All you need is the Ruby app for running Jekyll.

How to Create a Jekyll Blog

The Jekyll CMS can be used to create any kind of site, but the available blogging features make it especially useful for creating a blog out of that HTML files. You can use tags, categories, and all the other standard CMS magic. Your posts can also be dated and synced with archive pages. Follow along with the tutorials below to get started creating your Jekyll blog:

Jekyll Themes and Custom Design

Once you’ve created a Jekyll site, you will probably want to change the default theme or even create your own theme. The articles below will demonstrate how to change the default theme as well as introduce you to the template system that allows you to easily create your own layout.

How to Publish Your Jekyll Content

One of the great features about the Jekyll system is that the whole process be easily automated. Your favorite publishing process can be scripted and repeated. Most often, the benefits of using a static content management system is that you can version control the whole project with Git, or create some simple bash scripts to move your files from your local production environment to your live production server.

Learn More About Jekyll

Drupal Mixpanel Integration Methods

Drupal Mixpanel integration grants access to a product analytics stack with powerful features centered around deep user segmentation and A/B testing. This is much more complex than most popular web analytics tools like Matomo. Those are primarily focused on reporting user activity, not modifying a website in accordance with someone’s user agent, geolocation, etc. From Read More >

How to Create NGINX Redirects

NGINX can be used as a web server (in lieu of Apache) or proxy server. For those using it as a web server, creating NGINX redirects requires editing server configuration files. This is different from Apache which also checks .htaccess files during web server requests. NGINX doesn’t use .htaccess. Need to know how to redirect Read More >

Getting started with Cloud Server Hosting

Cloud Server Hosting Product Guide

Linux Cloud Server Hosting is a self-managed virtual private server with a bare operating system (OS) that you can fully customize to meet complex needs. Popular uses include:

  • Private server with dedicated resources for databases, online gaming, virtual private networks (VPNs), etc.
  • Web applications you don’t want sharing resources with a control panel you don’t need
  • Dev ops and testing on multiple OSs at any time
  • Server cluster automation

There are many more benefits of unmanaged server hosting. This product guide is designed to provide tutorials for the most common tasks, including data migration and software development, in one place.

If you’re still curious about the benefits of an unmanaged Linux server, read our blog explaining the features between Managed VPS and Cloud Server Hosting.

InMotion Ansible Control Node

Do you manage multiple web servers? Learn how you can start automating tasks now with our Ansible Control Node, free with our Cloud Server Hosting plans. Learn more about Ansible now!

Getting Started with Cloud VPS Hosting

Here are some common tasks you’ll need to know how to achieve when getting started with an unmanaged Linux server.

Transferring Websites

Transferring from another web hosting provider or cPanel server? These guides can help you find the best migration method for you.

Linux Operating Systems

We offer three of the most popular Linux operating systems for cloud VPS applications. Re-OS between the three distributions at any time in AMP. 

cPanel Control Panel Alternatives

Manage your Linux Cloud Server Hosting with one of these free server control panels and cluster management applications.

Other Important Tasks

Other Cloud Server Hosting Tutorials

W3 Total Cache Settings Wizard

The W3 Total Cache plugin is a great tool to speed up your site, and your W3 Total Cache settings can help you make sure you are getting the most out of the plugin. The settings allow you to choose cache options for the following settings: Page cache Database cache Object cache Browser cache Lazy Read More >

How to Use LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress

Caching your WordPress site content is a recommended way to improve performance and reduce server usage. The LiteSpeed Cache plugin is a popular tool to easily implement site caching. It also offers a full suite of WordPress optimization tools to ensure your site delivers the best possible customer experience. Learn how to optimize your WordPress Read More >

How To Optimize Your BoldGrid Site

By this point, if you have installed your first inspiration, it’s time to check your site for possible improvements in speed and performance. Installing the inspiration has given your site a certain look and feel.  This kind of customization gives your site a personal touch. But once those considerations are taken care of, and you’re Read More >

Using the Plus Addons for Gutenberg

The Plus Addons for Gutenberg is a WordPress plugin that extends the capabilities of the visual editor integrated into WordPress since version 5.0.  The Plus Addons for Gutenberg plugin provides blocks that make it easy to add content and different types of functional elements to a post or page. It also provides detailed control over Read More >

How to Install the Drupal Matomo Module

The Matomo Analytics Drupal module connects your Drupal site to your Matomo Analytics application and eases the process of modifying the tracking code to better suit your needs without advanced programming experience. The Drupal Matomo module tracking options include: Using the right on-site web analytics software for your needs will prove to be a valuable Read More >

How to Install the Matomo Analytics WordPress Plugin

Matomo Analytics, formerly Piwik Analytics, is one of the most popular Google Analytics alternatives available today. The open source web analytics suite has a long list of features and over 50 plugins available to customize user interaction and tracking and for your marketing and privacy needs. The recommended shell_exec PHP function cannot be enabled on Read More >

how to use plugins in wordpress

WordPress is the most popular website platform largely due to its expandability and ease-of-use. No matter your skill level, you can quickly launch a website with rich functionality using the addition of WordPress plugins. 

But what are WordPress plugins and how do you use plugins in WordPress?

The open-source nature of WordPress allows for the complete customization and scalability of your website. However, not all users can or want to add custom code to their WordPress site. With plugins you can easily customize your website, adding complex functionality and interactive elements, without the fuss of code. 

What Are WordPress Plugins?

WordPress Plugins are third-party pieces of software you are able to search for and install via your WordPress dashboard. Plugins are developed to improve performance or add additional functionality to your website that is not included in the standard installation of WordPress. 

For example, you can install security, caching and SEO plugins to help protect, speed up, and optimize your site for your users. You can install form plugins to capture end-user information or a gallery plugin to create a better layout for your images. 

Below we’ll outline essential plugins to help optimize your website management and end user experience.

Getting Started with WordPress Plugins

Essential WordPress Plugins

There are thousands of WordPress plugins available, but only a few are essential for the successful upkeep of your website. Here are some of our recommendations:

WordPress Plugins for Advanced Tasks

Latest WordPress Plugins Articles

If you need a new home for your WordPress site, look no further than InMotion’s WordPress Hosting solutions for secure, optimized, budget-friendly servers.

check markFast & Easy Transfers check markFree SSLs check markHack Protection check markAffordable

View WordPress Hosting Plans

How to Use WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache can help optimize your WordPress site to load faster and use fewer server resources. This provides a better experience for visitors to your site and can help your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Follow along and we’ll explain how WP Super Cache works and how you can use it to improve your Read More >

How to Install WordPress Plugins

One of the best things about WordPress is the ability to add features using WordPress Plugins. WordPress comes with a lot of tools to build a website, but expanding it with plugins can help customize your site to fit your needs.  Use plugins to add custom forms, widgets, search engine optimization (SEO) tools, or even Read More >

502 Bad Gateway

Most often, you might see a “502 bad gateway” error in one of our WordPress hosting plans, because these plans use Apache web servers with Nginx as a proxy server. Read on to find out how proxy servers work. How to Fix the 502 Bad Gateway Error Refresh Your Page Clear Your Browser Cache Checking Read More >

The Complete Guide to DNS Records

The DNS may seem like an intimidating topic. Once you get used to the numerous abbreviations and new words, though, its structure is actually quite simple! Below, we’ll review the foundational terminology of DNS management and help walk you through the most common aspects of Nameservers and DNS Records you’ll need to deal with when Read More >

Top Free Plugins to Manage WordPress Revisions

If you have many users revising pages and posts on the same website, keeping track of all of the changes being made can be challenging. One frequently overlooked feature of WordPress is the automatic storage of all changes made to pages and posts, referred to as revisions. The WordPress revisions feature is useful for updating Read More >

Don’t Fear Your WordPress Website

Amy is part of the all-women release squad for WP 5.6! I have a confession and I hope you won’t judge: I am in love with WordPress.  Well, me and 38% of the internet (1). Not that I’m jealous or anything. I know it’s part of the mission to be inclusive, which means WordPress Read More >

What is a Bare Metal Server?

When attempting to determine which type of server is best for your needs, you may find yourself looking for a hosting solution that simply provides the hardware and allows you to install whichever operating system you prefer. Instead of purchasing a pre-configured CentOS server with cPanel and WHM already installed, Bare Metal Servers offer you Read More >