Domain nameserver changed but still not showing up

  • Answered
I am handling a vps for one of my clients.
There is one website hosted in that vps, say,

Now, my client has purchased a domain from godaddy, say I logged into he godadddy and changed its nameserver to the inmotionhosting nameservers. I also changed the dns zone file's @ record to the vps IP address.

After changing the nameservers and @ record, I logged into the WHM panel of inmotionhosting and created an account named It has been more than 24 hours that I made the changes and still the domain is not showing up.

I would be thankful for your help. Thanks.
Our systems administration team is currently working to resolve an issue with DNS changes failing to update within the nameservers. They should have this issue resolved shortly, but unfortunately I do not have a time frame at the moment. I have, however, provided them with information on your account to ensure that it is resolved as soon as possible for you. In the meantime, you could perform a host file modification to begin working on the site while waiting for the DNS to resolve.