This is a request for additional web design

  • Answered
The website you host is in need of two changes. 1. I desire to install a PDF for my readers to download. 2. I desire to send you a dvd for installation on the website. Thank You, RSVP to [email protected]
Hello Mark, Thanks for the question, but unfortunately, the request that you ask requires that you contact the InMotion Hosting Web Design team. This is an additional service and not part of the hosting service. You can reach web design through the Account Management Panel (AMP) or by calling 888-710-7483 (website: It is possible to link the PDF file yourself. Check out our tutorial on How to add a PDF file to your website. The video is also something that is much more involved than simply sending us a DVD. It would require being converted to a streaming format for use on the internet. Additionally, the video length and size of the file may be an issue for the hosting service that you're using. This would need to be evaluated by the Web design team. If you are looking for someone to modify your site, then you would need to contact our web design team. Apologies for the inconvenience and not being able to immediately provide you a resolution to your request. Regards, Arnel C.