My website is extremely slow

  • Answered
"We do have a department that is more familiar with third party programs like Word Press. I have a feeling that would be better able to assist you in this load time issue. They are able to dig deeper into issues like this. From what I'm seeing, load times of 65 seconds, even caching wouldn't improve that speed. There has to be something else going on there. I have emailed you information on how to contact that department directly."
Hello tomawokk, and thanks for your question. Sorry to hear that you're having issues with your WordPress site running slow at times. I just tried to access the site myself, and it fully loaded within about 5 seconds. So it seems like this might not be something that happens on every single page load. First of all I'd definitely recommend that you use WordPress cache to speed up your site. If you have some really long SQL queries, or something on the back-end that is causing your initial page loads to take a really long time. Having a WordPress caching plugin running can help ensure that the page is loaded quickly the next time it is requested. If you take a look at your site report from somewhere like, you can see it took 3.76 seconds to load your WordPress site when I ran the test. It looks like you have a lot of WordPress admin dashboard activity, and you'd want to be aware of things like the WordPress Heartbeat API causing heavy admin-ajax.php usage, and also that you log out of the admin dashboard when not in use. Taking a look at your WordPress PHP execution times on the server, I do see some that are as high as 3.58 secs of CPU time. Most of those do seem to correlate to back-end activity in the admin dashboard though, and not simple requests for your site. Do you have any examples of pages that are consistently taking a long time to load? I would recommend running them through that tool to see if it's consistenly slow also from a remote source, or if it's only from your own connection that they seem to be loading slowly. Please let us know if you have any other questions at all! - Jacob