Were any updates done to my mail server on or around May 17?

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vps client: Taira Kirkland domain: tairabyte.com WHS: ******** I have a client (tcsl.ca) who is having issues receiving emails from another domain. They say since May 17 they noticed they were not receiving email from the domain ellisdon.com. The EllisDon IT support thinks it must be my mail server. I want to be sure that it's not. : ) Were any updates made to the mail server that would affect email in this way. I added the entire ellisdon.com domain to the Spam Assassin white list (*@ellisdon.com), but TCSL say they still do not get these emails. Any ideas? Thanks, Taira Kirkland
Thank you for your question Taira ! Sorry for the trouble with the email not coming in from ellisdon.com. We check your logs and see a test from them on the 4th that shoes as being received to an @tcsl.ca email address. Its possible their is a sync problem with his POP3 and IMAP accounts. Please have them check the webmail to see if the email is in there before he checks with him IMAP and POP accounts. The email owner may want to switch all him email clients to IMAP to prevent emails from being removed from the server by accident. Best Regards, James R