I'm finding a bunch of iframe (or injected scripts) on my site. Is there anything we can do about it?

  • Answered
ib.adnxs.com :
rc.rlcdn.com :
dpm.demdex.net :
loadus.exelator.com :
dp2.33across.com :
idsync.rlcdn.com :
a1.interclick.com :
view.atdmt.com :
dm.de.mookie1.com :
t.mookie1.com :
loadm.exelator.com :
ic.tynt.com :
de.tynt.com :
Hi there, I just signed up to answer your question. Are you using Tynt? Because they ad a bunch od ads codes to the bottom of your site. If you dont want that, you will need to disable tynt.
Hello LightofDawn,

I see that you have also initiated a ticket with our Live Support team. That is the correct procedure with this type of issue as it will likely take the skills of a Tier2 or higher for access to the logs and files. They will be responding to you shortly.

As a general rule, most injections occur either via weak admin username/password combinations in which they are able to manipulate files, or through security holes in the software where they inject into file and or databases.

Always be sure to use hard to guess passwords and stay updated with the latest version of your software so you have the most secure version. Nothing is 100%, however, and our Live Support team will be able to give you more details when they respond.

Best Regards,
Scott M