cPanel keeps telling my password is wrong
Before you ask, yes I logged into AMP and reset my cPanel password (I did this twice), but cPanel continues to tell me that my password is incorrect (or it just blanks out the 'username' and 'password' boxes). I need to get into my cPanel. Thanks.
The quickest resolution to this issue to call in or contact live Technical Support. They can re-set your Cpanel Password over the phone and fix the login issue if it is something else causing the issue. Solutions posted on the Support Center are public, so login information should be handled with the live support team where they are communicating with you directly. Make sure you're using the correct USERNAME - the user name is NOT the same as the one for AMP. You can find the USERNAME in AMP under Technical Details for the account.
If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the botom of the page.
Arnel C.