I cannot log in to cpanel - error 403

  • Answered

I am using Internet Explorer v8.0.7601.

I get " The website declined to show this webpage " when I go to cpanel, either via AMP or directly as hcaresraces.org/cpanel.

I _am_ able to log into my account with my email address, but I cannot get logged into cpanel.


[email protected]
Hello Keating, Were you able to enter the password? You can also try using http://ecbiz111.inmotionhosting.com/cpanel. We are not able to duplicate the issue here. Though we also do not have any systems with an older version of IE. You might want to try clearing your browser cache or a different browser. If the problem continues, you may want to call into live support troubleshoot while you're at the computer. If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page. Regards, Arnel C.