Error 500 on my website

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I have a 500 error on my web the website is a journal management and publishing system. Right now I can upload Word files but I can not upload PDF files. when I try to upload PDF files the browser displays Error 500. How do I fix this problem?

Duplicates 11
Need help with Error 500

My website now is giving this message

This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.


Please advise.

Error 500 - Internal Server Error

An error was encountered while processing your request. Typically this is a temporary condition. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.

error 500 wordpress

Hi! I'm getting error 500 on my website without any changes to the files or anything. It was working and then it wasn't. Can you provide a restore to a previous date? 

PHP returning error 500 instead of compiler error diagnostics
Our web site is down. Get the following error msg - Error 500 - Internal Server Error An error was encountered while processing your request. Typically this is a temporary condition. Please contact the web site owner for further assista
My site is showing Error 500 how do I resolve it.

My website is showing this error 500 after I login to the admin panel for the first time.


getting this error

Error 500 on WordPress Installation
I installed WordPress on my website this afternoon, and I am getting Error 500 - Internal Server Error on numerous operations. I can't change themes, log-in gives me the error, but then when I try to go to the WordPress directory, it shows me as being logged in.
error 500 - internal server error - cgi works on linux server at home, but nmot on inmotion site

error 500 - internal server error - cgi works on linux server at home, but nmot on inmotion site - how does a developer get help with this?

Error 500 - Internal Server Error An error was encountered while proc
i can't access a post on my site, when i click on the post it shows: Error 500 - Internal Server Error

An error was encountered while processing your request. Typically this is a temporary condition. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.... someone please help me
Error 500 - Internal Server Error

I work with Joomla and RSform component taht let buikd easly forms.

When I invoque a form the system shows Error 500 in this form. The remainingweb page works well

The website is ******************

And the error  is ahown in: ***************

Could you help me please?

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  • Answer
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Thanks for getting in touch with us! 500 errors can be caused by a lot of different things. The first two things I would check are: 

Possibility 1: Can you access the server itself (a different site, a control panel, SSH, email, etc.)? If not, your IP address may have accidentally been blocked. 

Possibility 2: It could also be a database issue. I'd double check that the database configuration information on the site matches the configuration information elsewhere. You can always use cPanel to reset the database password to what it is 'supposed' to be if you have that sort of account. 

If it is not one of those scenarios, I would check the error logs. Which ones to check (and where to check them) can vary from one server configuration to another, so if you need assistance with that please get in touch with our 24/7 Technical Support team and they will be able to assist you directly!

  • Answer
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Hello Guillermoleonq, 

Thank you for your reply. Based on the information provided it sounds like the form is not properly configured. Please ensure that the input box for "email address" is accessible on the form as this may cause a 500 error if it is omitted. 

If you require direct assistance with this, I recommend contacting our 24/7 Technical Support team by calling 888.321.HOST(4678) or by starting a chat session via your Account Management Panel.

Best Regards, 

Alyssa K

Quote from cgema

Looks like my question was moved to this thread but I do not see any answers.   Can anyone help!!!    HTTP 500 error.  I did NOTHING.

Here is what the error log states:

/home/cpaneluser/public_html/.htaccess: AddHandler requires at least two arguments, a handler name followed by one or more file extensions

Hello. If you need further support, you should contact Live Support directly.


Looks like my question was moved to this thread but I do not see any answers.   Can anyone help!!!    HTTP 500 error.  I did NOTHING.

Here is what the error log states:

/home/cpaneluser/public_html/.htaccess: AddHandler requires at least two arguments, a handler name followed by one or more file extensions

  • Answer
  • Answered

Hello Guillermoleonq, 

Thank you for your reply. Based on the information provided it sounds like the form is not properly configured. Please ensure that the input box for "email address" is accessible on the form as this may cause a 500 error if it is omitted. 

If you require direct assistance with this, I recommend contacting our 24/7 Technical Support team by calling 888.321.HOST(4678) or by starting a chat session via your Account Management Panel.

Best Regards, 

Alyssa K

  • Answer
  • Answered

Thanks for getting in touch with us! 500 errors can be caused by a lot of different things. The first two things I would check are: 

Possibility 1: Can you access the server itself (a different site, a control panel, SSH, email, etc.)? If not, your IP address may have accidentally been blocked. 

Possibility 2: It could also be a database issue. I'd double check that the database configuration information on the site matches the configuration information elsewhere. You can always use cPanel to reset the database password to what it is 'supposed' to be if you have that sort of account. 

If it is not one of those scenarios, I would check the error logs. Which ones to check (and where to check them) can vary from one server configuration to another, so if you need assistance with that please get in touch with our 24/7 Technical Support team and they will be able to assist you directly!

IMH Support Agent 5

Hello clemzpercy,

Thank you for contacting us about the 500 error on your site. There are many possible causes for this. We have a full guide on dealing with the 500 error which may prove helpful to you.

If you have further difficulty you can always contact our Live Support to take a closer look.


Christopher M.


Hello davidojs,

Thank you for your question regarding 500 errors on your site. I recommend logging and displaying errors, as it may provide a more detailed message or clue.

Also, our article on 500 Internal Server Error provides additional troubleshooting tips.

Thank you,



Hello Gapcares,

Sorry for the problem you're having with the WordPress installation. This is a result of the PHP version setting in your cPanel. It is set to version 5.2 by default. I have changed it to 5.4 on your account. You should be able to use WordPress without any further 500 errors.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.


Arnel C.