Problems moving wordpress site to InMotion

  • Answered
I've watched (and followed) the video that walks me through moving my wordpress blog over to InMotion (as an /blog extension to a site I already have up there), and when I get to the very last step of uploading files and importing to my new location, I get a long line of error messages that say FAILED TO IMPORT___ and it lists my entire site. I've tried over and over, carefully following the directions and can't seem to make it work. HELP??? Please. :)
Hello citygirlfarming, Thank you for your question. It's possible the size or amount of files may be taking a long time, causing you to hit a PHP limitation. Putting Wordpress in debugging mode may help provide a more detailed error. For example: upload_max_filesize = 256M This means that 256 MB is the largest file you can upload. Here is another example: max_execution_time = 130 This sets how long a script can run (in seconds), in this example it is set to 130 seconds. You can change (increase) these PHP settings for your entire account by modifying the php.ini file within your public_html folder, then making the file recursive(makes it affect all files/folders). If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul