I cannot get the web address right.

  • Answered
I am trying to utilize boldgrid, however it keeps changing the web address. I need to address to be sdvasolutions.com not sdvasolutions.com/bg_sdvasolutions.com Can you please help me???

Thanks for the question about the web address for your Wordpress/BoldGrid site. First, BoldGrid is a plugin for WordPress. It does not have anything to do with the determination of the URL being used by the WordPress site. When you install WordPress, you are choosing the URL that will be used by the WordPress installation. Therefore, if you want your directory to be "sdvasolutions.com", then when you do the installation, the directory should be BLANK (as long as "sdvasolutions.com" is your primary domain). If you designate a directory during the WordPress installation then the path will definitely be affected. Now, you can still change this so that the URL of the WordPress site will still be just "Sdvasolutions.com" - this is done with the WordPress Address and Site Address in the General Settings. You'll see a line under the Site address (URL) that says, "Enter the address here if you want your site home page to be different from your WordPress installation directory." So, if your installation folder is "sdvasolutions.com/bg_sdvasolutions.com", then the site URL can be designated here as "sdvasolutions.com".

However, if you're trying to put the files at the root of the primary domain (public_html), then there should be nothing in the directory folder during the WordPress installation.

I hope that clarifies the issue. Please let us know if you require further assistance.

Arnel C