When I connect to database, i recieve error :Host 'athena.cbs.dtu.dk

  • Answered
When I connect to database, i recieve error : "Host 'athena.cbs.dtu.dk is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with mysqladmin flush-hosts".
Exception: WebfaceSystemError
Package: Webface::queue : 92
Message: Unable to open queue (/usr/opt/www/webface/perl-lib//Webface.pm:291)
Exception: WebfaceSystemError
Package: Webface::queue : 120
Message: Unable to open queue database DBI:mysql:webface:athena.cbs.dtu.dk:3306
Exception: Error::Simple
Package: Error : 110
Message: DBI connect('webface:athena.cbs.dtu.dk:3306','www',...) failed: Host 'athena.cbs.dtu.dk' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Thank you for your question on MySQL connections. This error is produced when your cPanel account has more than 30 active MySQL connections open at any given time. This can be avoided by changing your code to open less connections but do more queries per connection. Also you could run the command in the error as well "mysqladmin flush-hosts" as it will clear out any connections that may be stale or dead but still being percieved as an active connection.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens