How to view the Apache Status in WHM

Another way to check on the status of your server is to review the Apache Status in the Server Status section of WHM.The Apache HTTP Server is a web server that runs the website on the server. If you are trying to determine an issue with your server, then checking the status of the Apache HTTP server is an important factor to review.We will show the information that the interface provides and breakdown the information it displays with example of the display.

Reading the Apache Status page

Version info

When you open the Apache Status page you will start with the version of the Apache Server that is being used on your server as well as the multi-threading process module (MPM) that is being loaded, and the date of when it was built. Below that section you will see other data such as the last restart of the server, total accesses or total uptime.This information is detailed in the table below:

Server VersionThe version of Apache that’s running
Server MPMMulti-Processing Modules – this the default setting for the Apache HTTP server. For more information see Apache MPM
Server BuiltInstallation time and date of the Apache Server
Current TimeCurrent time and date
Restart TimeDisplays the time and date that your Apache Server was restarted
Parent Server GenerationNumber of graceful starts that the Apache HTTP Server has performed and re-read the HTTPD configuration file.
Server uptimeAmount of time that the Apache Server has been running
Total accessesTotal number of requests made to the Apache server
Total TrafficTotal traffic to your server measured in megabytes (MB)
CPU UsageTotal CPU usage and current load percentage

The CPU usage includes the following information:

  • The number of requests per second, bytes per second, and kilobytes per request that the server transfers.
  • The number of Apache sub-servers (workers or children) that serve requests.
  • The number of idle workers.

Scoreboard variables

The next section is called the Scoreboard by cPanel.This section will show various information about the items being processed by the Apache HTTP server.The following table shows the information being identified in the scoreboard:

SrvChild Server number generation
PIDOS Process ID
AccNumber of accesses this connection, child, slot
MMode of operation
CPUCPU usage, number of seconds
SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request
ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request
ConnKilobytes transferred this connection
ChildMegabytes transferred this child
SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot

Reading the Apache Module Mod_SSL


The last section that you may see in the Apache status is a module section for SSL.This captures information for SSL/TLS sessions that have been cached.There are quite a number variables and we will only list a few of them.For the complete documentation on this feature, see the official Apache module mod_SSL documentation.

Variable Name:Value Type:Description:
HTTPSflagHTTPS is being used.
SSL_PROTOCOLstringThe SSL protocol version (SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2)
SSL_SESSION_IDstringThe hex-encoded SSL session id
SSL_SESSION_RESUMEDstringInitial or Resumed SSL Session. Note: multiple requests may be served over the same (Initial or Resumed) SSL session if HTTP KeepAlive is in use
SSL_SECURE_RENEGstringtrue if secure renegotiation is supported, else false
SSL_CIPHERstringThe cipher specification name
SSL_CIPHER_EXPORTstringtrue if cipher is an export cipher
SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZEnumberNumber of cipher bits (actually used)
SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZEnumberNumber of cipher bits (possible)
SSL_COMPRESS_METHODstringSSL compression method negotiated
SSL_VERSION_INTERFACEstringThe mod_ssl program version
SSL_VERSION_LIBRARYstringThe OpenSSL program versions
Arnel CustodioContent Writer I

As a writer for InMotion Hosting, Arnel has always aimed to share helpful information and provide knowledge that will help solve problems and aid in achieving goals. He's also been active with WordPress local community groups and events since 2004.

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0 thoughts on “How to view the Apache Status in WHM

  1. I can’t access the Apache Status.  When I enter Apache in the serch bar in WHM, I only have the option to Restart the server, nothing else.

    1. You must be logged into WHM as the ‘root’ user. I added a notice to the top of the article to help clarify. Sorry for the confusion.
      Thank you,


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