Two Factor Authentication WordPress Plugin

Two Factor Authentication is a plugin from the authors of UpdraftPlus that adds a layer of protection for WordPress logins. The advantage of using a two-factor authentication (2FA) plugin for your WordPress site is that it helps to protect users with weak or exploited passwords.    It does this by requiring a one-time code when a Read More >

How to Use WP 2FA for WordPress

WP 2FA was created by WP White Security to provide two-factor authentication for your WordPress site.  Two-factor authentication (2FA) is used to increase login security for a website.  It helps to keep intruders from accessing a site through weak or compromised passwords.  WP 2FA includes options for authentication, WordPress user/role policies, and redirects. The plugin Read More >

Using Wordfence Login Security for 2FA

The Wordfence Login Security plugin for WordPress allows you to use two-factor authentication, XML-RPC Protection, and login page CAPTCHA.  Two-factor authentication (2FA)  is a vital layer of defense that you can add to your WordPress installation to protect it from intruders. The use of 2FA prevents intruder access through compromised passwords. This tutorial will focus Read More >

W3 Total Cache – Guide to WordPress Caching

With over 1 million active installations, W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular ways to optimize and manage the cache for your WordPress site. This can result in faster load times and less strain on your server, which can also help your SEO (search engine optimization) efforts. How to Use W3 Total Cache Read More >

How to Create an Embedded or Standalone Form Using HubSpot

HubSpot CRM allows one to create embedded or standalone forms that gather or provide information to your customers.  For example, you may have a standalone survey form that a customer opts to view. This tutorial will walk you through creating and using these forms for your business endeavors. What are Embedded or Standalone Forms Embedded Read More >

How to Create Pop-up or Moving Forms with HubSpot CRM

The HubSpot CRM can create pop-up or moving forms that appear on WordPress posts or pages to provide quick responses, display information, or trigger automated sequences for your customers.  Providing these forms promotes positive interaction and opportunities with your website visitors to help expand your user base and increase your revenues. This tutorial will walk you Read More >

How to Create a New Marketing Email in HubSpot

HubSpot can create emails used for marketing purposes. These marketing emails allow you to reach out to your customers to provide an immediate or planned response.  HubSpot helps you create and send these emails with templates and a design interface. Three Types of Marketing Emails HubSpot can create regular, automated, or blog emails.  Regular emails Read More >

How to Create and Edit Tickets in HubSpot

Creating tickets is a form of contact in HubSpot. It allows you to record interactions that require further action in the form of support, negotiations, or decision-making.  Tickets are often associated with support problems, but they can be used for any interaction between you and the client.  This benefits your business by providing accurately tracked Read More >

How to Set Up a Live Chat in HubSpot

One of the great features of HubSpot is the ability to use chat. The availability of chats gives your customers immediate access to ask questions, get answers, or provide feedback. The chat option benefits your company and your customers by giving them another way to communicate. This tutorial will walk you through setting up a Read More >

How to Create Lists in HubSpot

Lists organize your contacts and are an important tool in HubSpot CRM. Creating lists allows you to use marketing segments that categorize your customers. This aids your email marketing efforts by identifying who should receive your marketing emails. This tutorial will describe the two main types of lists and then show you how to create Read More >

How to Create Deals Using HubSpot

HubSpot allows you to track your customer interactions, including the opportunities when you or your customer have discussed the possibility of a deal. A deal is an agreement between you and a customer to purchase a service or product. HubSpot allows you to create, track, and manage a deal for your business. This tutorial will Read More >

How to Add Contacts in HubSpot

Using the Contacts in HubSpot lets you record the activity between you and a client or potential client.   This information helps you make better decisions and track your interactions with a company or an individual.  Better relations and understanding will help to keep your business moving forward. This tutorial will show you how to use Read More >

How to Manage a List in HubSpot

HubSpot enables you to manage your lists through various functions. You can edit a list, view the performance of a list, filter information in lists, and add or remove lists. Using these options, organize your customer data to make it more efficient and easier to work with. Keeping your contacts in order and up-to-date keeps Read More >

How to Set Up the Autoptimize Plugin For WordPress

The Autoptimize plugin for WordPress is a page speed tool. It combines code minification and aggregation with caching, CDN, and other optimization features. With a WordPress site, as with any dynamic site, optimizing performance involves a lot of moving parts. For those who are not comfortable tweaking settings at the server level, this plugin can Read More >

WordPress Server Optimization Guide

In this article, we walk through the process of tuning your VPS or Dedicated Server for the best performance on our WordPress Optimized or PHP-FPM stack. On our Managed WordPress Hosting platform, the server is managed by our system administrators, and tuned out-of-the-box for optimal performance for most users. However, some users or resellers may need the additional flexibility afforded by the VPS and Dedicated platforms.

Installing and Connecting HubSpot for WordPress

HubSpot – CRM, Email Marketing, Live Chat, Forms & Analytics is a free plugin that provides a versatile custom relations management solution for your business when installed on your WordPress site. Enabling the solution will require that you install the plugin and then create or connect an existing HubSpot account. We will walk you through Read More >

How to Set Up Recurring Payments with Stripe in WooCommerce

Stripe is a popular credit card processing solution that is available in WooCommerce. This article will focus on the use of the Stripe processor for recurring payments through WooCommerce subscriptions. In order to demonstrate the use of Stripe for recurring payments in WooCommerce, we will step through the installation of the Stripe plugin and the Read More >

High-Performance WordPress Hosting with NGINX Reverse-Proxy Caching

InMotion Hosting’s WordPress Hosting platform uses NGINX reverse-proxy caching technology to achieve the highest performance for sites using the WordPress content management system (CMS). A powerful, event-driven asynchronous web server capable of serving extremely high numbers of visitors very quickly, NGINX excels at serving static content (e.g. JavaScript files, CSS files, images, etc.), and when Read More >

Update WordPress From the Admin Dashboard

In this article, I’ll quickly show you how to update WordPress to the latest, greatest, and most secure version currently available. An updated WordPress installation will ensure your WordPress site is as fast as can be and helps protect your website from malicious users. It’s really a very simple process to upgrade WordPress, that said Read More >

How Much Does PageSpeed Fluctuate?

When testing your site with the Google PageSpeed Insights tool you may have noticed that the results may vary over time. In this guide, we’ll go over this tool and explain why it might fluctuate over time, then explain what this means for a webmaster. How Do I Run a PageSpeed Insights Test? There are Read More >