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Registering a New Domain Name

Domains can be easily registered within your Account Management Panel (AMP). The domain TLD (top-level domain) extensions we can register here at InMotion Hosting are listed here: Available Domain Extensions .com .net .org .us .biz .info +360 other TLDs! Of note, if you want to register a domain name with a .us extension, you must Read More >

How to Add a Modpack to your Minecraft Server

While Setting up a Modpack on your Minecraft Server Hosting plan can sound like quite the task, it is actually quite simple. Whether you are looking to spice up your gameplay or try out something new, modpacks can give an entirely different experience depending on the modpack you go with. This guide will cover step-by-step Read More >

How to start your Minecraft Server with a Custom JAR

There are a lot of different ways you can customize your Minecraft Server Hosting plan. Before you can do that you will need to know how to start your server from Custom JARs in order to be able to use the platforms such as Paper, Forge, Spigot, etc. This guide will cover how to set Read More >

How to Connect to your Minecraft Server

Congratulations, now that you have a Minecraft Server Hosting plan it’s time to get you connected and gaming. This process is quite simple and we’ll be covering it in a few brief steps to get you started. Topics Include: Finding Your Server Address Before we can connect to your Minecraft server, you will first need Read More >

How to Set a Custom World Seed on your Minecraft Server

Have you ever wanted to play on the same world as your favorite content creator or friend, but all you receive when you look into it is a Seed composed of a random line of numbers and letters you don’t know what to do with? This guide will answer that question of how you can Read More >

How to Create a New World on your Minecraft Server

While Deleting or Creating a new world on your Minecraft Server Hosting plan can sound quite daunting, it is sometimes a necessary act, whether it is to start a new world or if you just acquired a server and want to generate a specific world type or seed instead of the one automatically generated with Read More >

Release Update: Introducing Platform InMotion

AUGUST 15, 2023 – Today, we are thrilled to announce the dawn of a new era in managed WordPress hosting with the launch of Platform InMotion.  Platform InMotion is WordPress-as-a-Service that’s designed to revolutionize the way you manage WordPress sites. Create, manage, and deploy websites to high-performance VPS optimized for WordPress in one place. Platform Read More >

Using the Site URL Tool in Platform InMotion

When you’re ready to change the URL of your WordPress website on Platform i, the Site URL tool makes it easy. All of the different tasks that are normally required, like setting up an SSL and replacing entries in the database, are performed automatically by the tool. What Does the Site URL Tool Do? When Read More >

How to Publish a Website in 10 Steps

Publishing a website to a Linux server can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re new to server administration. However, with the right knowledge and steps, you can easily get your website up and running smoothly. In this article, we will guide you through the process of publishing a website to a Linux server, Read More >

Beginner’s Guide to BoldGrid

Even the most tech-savvy people can find it a challenge to maintain their business website. Many websites are built with WordPress, and the content management system (CMS) goes a long way in helping people get their site up and running with relative ease. But it’s not always intuitive, and making changes to the settings without Read More >

How to Use the BoldGrid Website Builder

The BoldGrid Website Builder helps you take your WordPress site to the next level. You can  easily change the look and style of your website with the visual drag and drop editor. Quickly add engaging content ideas for your specific industry to draw more visitors and engagement. There’s no need to know website coding, but Read More >

Migrating WordPress Manually to Platform InMotion

When you’re getting started with your new UltraStack WordPress VPS on Platform InMotion, you have two options to begin with: Migrating Manually is the most reliable way to get your website transferred to Platform InMotion. Use this option, and Platform InMotion will install a fresh copy of WordPress on your VPS, and you’ll be able Read More >

High-Performance Order Storage on WooCommerce

In late 2022, WooCommerce introduced plans to optimize the performance of WooCommerce Core by focusing on Orders and ways to efficiently manage Order data. Originally dubbed the Custom Order Tables project, it has since been renamed to High-Performance Order Storage, or HPOS. With the release of WooCommerce 7.1, an option was introduced that allowed users Read More >

What is Magento?

Magento Open Source is a free open-source eCommerce software that is designed for large scale stores with complex needs. It is typically an ecommerce solution that a business has graduated to due to smaller and more simple cart systems not being sufficient.

If this is your first ecommerce shop and you are not a php developer, generally we recommend checking our options on our Ecommerce Hosting page. Magento is a brilliant ecommerce system, but it is typically used by larger companies. Think at least $10K/mo to make Magento worth while and the tipping point is more likely for stores over $30k/mo for it to really shine cost versus benefit wise.

There are two version of Magento now. Adobe Commerce is the enterprise paid version that is available from Adobe. Magento Open Source is the popular cart that is typically what people are referring to when “Magento” is mentioned.

With the changes above and the new Magento 2.4.6 Release, InMotion has a new Education Channel in progress now to support the Magento Hosting plans already available.

Magento Basics

As a relatively large scale software system, Magento typically requires a vps or dedicated server with fast php hosting and tuned MariaDB/MySQL.


These tutorials will include the steps you will take when transferring a Magento.

All Magento Tutorials

Major Changes in Magento 2.4.6 – Great News!

Please note this is a “work in progress” article as there are many changes that we are evaluating and understand their impacts. However, this is great news so we want to share this. PHP 7.4 Support is Gone – Go to PHP 8+ PHP 8 came with many improvements but not all major php-based systems, Read More >

Platform i: BETA Release

APRIL 11, 2023 – We are excited to announce the BETA Launch of Platform i for Managed WordPress Hosting! Introducing Platform i BETA InMotion Hosting has launched new WordPress hosting plans and a website management platform called Platform i. With Platform i, users can manage, stage, and deploy websites to a high-performance VPS optimized for Read More >

Seven Major Changes in WordPress 6.2

WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy” is an important release version that includes over 900 changes to the software. The major changes focus on integrating visual editing into the front end of the WordPress interface. These improvements involve the menus, templates, site editor, media, and style options. They benefit the user by providing a more functional interface and Read More >

The Ultimate Guide for Migrating WordPress Websites

If you own a WordPress website, chances are that you will have to move it from one host to another at some time during its lifetime. You could be moving to a new host for a variety of reasons. Better performance is usually a driver for this type of change. Moving a website from a Read More >