How to Create a Custom Welcome Email Template in WHMCS

WHMCS easily integrates various systems to make customizing your clients’ experiences simple for you. For example, rather then sending a generic welcome email to your new clients, you can create a custom welcome email template. In this guide, you can learn how to create a custom Welcome Email Template in WHMCS.

Create Custom Welcome Email

  1. Log into the WHMCS Administrative Dashboard.

  2. Hover over Setup and select Email Templates.

  3. Select Product/Service from the Type drop-down menu.

  4. Enter a name for the template in the Unique Name field. For example, Unlimited Welcome Email.

  5. Click the Create button.

  6. Enter the details into each field. Be sure to click the Save Changes button, when you are finished filling out the information.

You can use the table below to help fill out the form with the correct details.

FromEnter the Name and Email Address as you would like it to appear in the headers of the email notification.The first field contains: Example Hosting
The second field contains: [email protected].
Copy ToEnter an Email Address that you would like to send a copy email to (CC:).This field does not contain a value for the purpose of our example.
Blind Copy ToEnter an Email Address that you would like to send a copy email to (BCC:).This field does not contain a value for the purpose of our example.
AttachmentsChoose a file to attach to each email notification.This field does not contain a value for the purpose of our example.
Plain-TextCheck this check-box to use Plain-Text format for each email notification. Leave this box unchecked to use the HTML format for each email notification.Unchecked
DisableCheck this check-box to disable this email notification.Unchecked
SubjectEnter a Subject as you would like it to appear in the headers of the email notification.Welcome to Unlimited Hosting
Email Template ContentEnter the content of your email template.Welcome to Example Hosting! We are excited because you have made an excellent choice in subscribing to our Unlimited Hosting Plan! We hope you enjoy your experience! Your Unlimited access to Technical Support 24/7/365 is included. Have fun with your new Unlimited power!

Congratulations! Now you have a Welcome Email template that you can use by assigning it to a Product/Service. This configuration will allow you to customize the Welcome Emails received by your client per product/service.

John-Paul Briones Content Writer II

John-Paul is an Electronics Engineer that spent most of his career in IT. He has been a Technical Writer for InMotion since 2013.

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