How to Install concrete5 via Softaculous

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While it is possible to install concrete5 manually, it is also possible to install concrete5 via Softaculous, a popular application installer. Installing concrete5 via Softaculous is much easier and less time consuming than manual installation and allows you to manage the software from the Softaculous interface itself. In this guide we will outline how to install concrete5 via Softaculous in cPanel. 

How to Install concrete5 via Softaculous

  1. 1. First, log into your cPanel account. 
  2. In cPanel, click on the Softaculous Apps Installer icon.
  3. In the Softaculous menu, use the search bar to search for concrete5
  4. On the concrete5 page, click Install Now.
  5. On the installation page, first select which version of concrete5 you want to install. 
  6. Next, specify the protocol that you want to use for the site. If your site has an SSL certificate, select the HTTPS protocol. Otherwise, select the HTTP protocol. 
  7. Next, specify the domain name you wish to use for the site as well as the directory that will store the website files. Typically, this can be left blank. If you do specify a directory, make sure the folder doesn’t already exist before you proceed with the installation. 
  8. Next, under the Site Settings menu, specify a site name. This name should reflect the purpose of your website. Additionally, you may check the checkbox to enable sample data to act as placeholder content when concrete5 is installed. This is to help users better plan out their website prior to populating it with content. 
  9. Next, under the Admin Account menu you can specify the administrator username and password for the concrete5 installation. Please be sure to keep this information handy as it will be the only way you can make modifications to the website. You can also specify an administrator email that can be used to reset the password and receive email updates regarding the concrete5 installation itself. 
  10. Under Advanced Options you can specify the name of the database created during the installation as well as specify where backup data is stored. Normally it is not necessary to change these settings. 
  11. Once you’ve finished configuring your installation, click Install to proceed. 
  12. After a few moments, the install should be complete and the screen should say that the software was installed successfully.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed concrete5!

Install WordPress, Drupal, and other programs in just a few clicks with Softaculous Instant installer.

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