Resetting Your Password in Movable Type

When you are using Movable Type, you may need to reset your password because it was lost or forgotten. You can use the Forgot your password? link on the dashboard login page, if you know the Admin email address that was setup when you installed Movable Type. If you do not know the email address, or do not have access, you can change it in the database.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to reset your Movable Type password, by viewing/updating your Admin email address in phpMyAdmin, then using the Forgot password link.

Reset your Password:

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. In the Databases section click the phpMyAdmin button.
  3. On the left side, click the database for your Movable Type site.
  4. On the left click the mt_author option. You will see the Admin email address listed to the right, under the author_email heading.
    viewing the admin email address in movable type

    If you have access to this email, just enter it on the Reset Password page, and click Reset. You will be sent an email that allows you to create a new password.
    requesting a password reset email

    If you do not have access to this email account, continue to the next steps where we will show you how to change it. 

  5. Click the Edit button next to the pencil.
  6. To the right of author_email, replace the existing admin email address with a new email address. Make sure you are able to check the emails for the address you use, then click the Go button on the bottom.
    updated administrator address in phpmyadmin for movable type
  7. Navigate to your Movable Type Dashboard login page, and click the Forgot your password? link.
  8. Enter the new admin email address you set in step 6, and click the Reset button.
    requesting an email for movable type password recovery

    You will receive an email that includes a link that allows you to create a new password for the Movable Type Dashboard. Enter your new password and click the Change button.
    creating a new password

    Your password has now been reset, and you can login to the Movable Type Dashboard.

Congratulations, now you know how to view and change your Admin email address for Movable type, so you can successfully reset your password!
InMotion Hosting Contributor Content Writer II

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