Allowing email reuse in phpBB

Email already in use error phpBB

When adding users to a phpBB forum, when testing or debugging your user registrations, you may run into an errors like the following.

The entered email address is already in use.

This error occurs when you try to enter the same email address multiple times when registering user accounts. When you are running tests on your user registrations and you need to allow multiple email addresses, you can change a setting in phpBB to allow it. This article will explain how to prevent this by setting the “Allow e-mail address re-use” option to Yes in phpBB.

Allowing Multiple Identical Email Addresses

  1. Log into your phpBB Admin Control Panel (ACP).
  2. Board configuration phpBB

    On the general tab, Click the User registration settings in the Board Configuration.

  3. Select yes for allow email address reuse phpBB

    Click the Yes radio button next to the “Allow e-mail address re-use” option.

    Save the changes.

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