Search Results for: why wordpress

How to Create Your WordPress Website on Your Phone

How to Create Your WordPress Website on Your Phone

People do everything on their phones these days, from checking emails to shopping to setting appointments. But building a new website? You can’t do that, right?

Wrong! With the WordPress app, you can quickly and easily create an exciting, unique site – right from the palm of your hand. Web design couldn’t possibly be easier.  

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Common Problems that WordPress Website Owners Experience

Common WordPress Problems | How to Backup Your Website

If you are running a website for personal or professional purposes, then chances are you probably chose WordPress because of its top ratings as well as its ease in design and  how to backup your website. WordPress has become such a standard platform for building a website that it now runs almost one-third of the sites that are on the Internet.

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Video Marketing: Top WordPress Video Plugins

Video Marketing: Top WordPress Video Plugins Hero Image

With the rise of videos in social media and streaming services, the integration of compelling video content has become more than just a trend—it’s a necessity. 

Thankfully, WordPress plugins offer users the ability to seamlessly integrate videos into your website. These tools not only enhance the visual appeal of your website but also play a pivotal role in engaging and retaining your audience.

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Choosing the Perfect Video Player for Your WordPress Website

Choosing the Perfect Video Player for Your WordPress Website

Having embedded videos, pictures, and audio, on your website provides a more inclusive and immersive experience for your audience. Using the wrong video player can cause streaming issues, disable your site, or worse. We’ve all gone to those websites before and we know how frustrating it can be. Continue reading –>

The Power of Social Engagement: Instagram and WordPress

The Power of Social Engagement: Instagram and WordPress

If you’re trying to have a successful website for blogging or business purposes, then you know that merely having the website up is not the end of the project. A successful site requires marketing and personalization. That’s why social media connections are so important when promoting your website.

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Hunting Down the Best Free WordPress Website Builder

Hunting Down the Best Free WordPress Website Builder

Whether you are using your WordPress website to fuel your online business or as a personal project, the key to making it look the best is to use a powerful website builder that allows complete control.  There are a lot of different options currently available and each one has their own specific pros and cons. Continue reading –>

5 Default WordPress Settings You Need to Change

5 Default WordPress Settings You Need to Change - Hero Image

Default WordPress settings are enabled to cater to most websites; however, because they are default, it’s better to change some of these for the security of your site.

In this article we will cover the default WordPress settings you should change after installation, and why, so you can continue building the website of your dream with peace of mind.

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7 Ways to Clean Up Your WordPress Website

7 Ways to Clean Up Your WordPress Website Hero Image

When it comes time to deep-clean your bathroom or kitchen, it makes you wonder how so much dirt and grime could appear in all of those cracks and crevices. Giving everything a good scrub is a good thing to do every few months. Not only is it good to deep-clean your kitchen and bathroom, but also your website. Believe it or not, your website can have a lot of ‘dirt and grime’ too.

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