Business Startup Checklist


There are some advantages to providing web hosting to 170,000+ customers over the past 20 years. As small business owners ourselves once, we sought out to create a web hosting company that speaks TRULY to those looking to create a solid website that represents the digital home of their brand.

We’ve seen websites created that have grown from our lowest plan on a shared server, to reaching the need to use a dedicated server. We are proud of this growth – and our customers are happy that we haven’t given up on them throughout their journey.

Throughout those 20 years, we’ve gathered a checklist of processes that, if followed, help keep you and your business website fresh, relevant, and optimized.

One such tool is a comprehensive Business Startup Checklist.

This checklist helps our customers organize their success by planning what their website’s infrastructure will be, and how it will succeed after 3 months, 6 months, and up to the years that follow. The checklist includes, but is not limited to sections on:

  • Basic infrastructure set-up instructions – domain, hosting, email, etc
  • Link diagnosis tools to cleanse broken links
  • How to create a useful About Us page
  • How to create a functioning contact form
  • How to identify and optimize for SEO
  • How to check site and server speed
  • How to set up Google’s Sitemap tool
  • How to become mobile responsive
  • and much more!

As a bonus, we have included a list of tools to help search for keywords that can and should be used for your website to attract more traffic to it from Google, as well as some marketing techniques that InMotion Hosting’s marketing team has put together to help get the word out about your site.

Running your business website, whether it’s an eCommerce site or just an online presence for your brand, can be a challenge.

We’ve operated successfully for the past 20 years and don’t plan on stopping our growth! Customers stay with us because we are just as invested as they are in their success. One of our core values is that we thrill our customers, and we plan on doing that by providing useful tools for your success.

Throughout those 20 years, we’ve gathered a checklist of processes that, if followed, help keep you and your business website fresh, relevant, and optimized.

Download the Business Startup Checklist for free!

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