Backup Manager, Set It and Forget It

Backup Manager, Set It and Forget It

No matter what you’re doing with your hosting account, you need a solid and reliable way to manage backups. Plain and simple, the success or failure of your site over the long term depends upon backups.

We’re not trying to alarm you. In fact, automating backups for your site has never been easier.

Why Are Backups So Important?

We write a lot about backups on the InMotion Hosting blog because we really want to drum it home.

It can’t be said enough that backups will make or break your site. So the frequent “backups lecture” is always appropriate and needed.

We know backups are a boring topic. It’s not as exciting as a new marketing strategy or fresh design layout. But that doesn’t mean backups should be ignored.

Backups are not an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” sort of contingency. They’re more like an insurance plan. You don’t want to think about having to use them, but you’ll be glad to have them.

Imaging your site is hacked. A hack is something that’s mostly out of your control. Some hacks are so minor, like a fake user account on your WordPress site, or a spam comment, but some hacks are so huge they can take down your site completely. A single backup will restore everything to working order instantly. That’s why backups are so important.

Set It and Forget It

The best way to organize your backup strategy is to adopt a “set it and forget it” model.

Let your backups take care of themselves so you don’t have to think about it.

This means backups are being taken and archived in the background. And you’ll only need to retrieve a backup if you have a problem.

Not very long ago, setting up this kind of automated system would have required a complicated assortment of shell scripts, file transfer schemes, access tokens, and all kinds of technical concerns you don’t want to have to think about.

But now, having an automated system is as simple as a single click.

As a hosting company, we work with customers in need of backups all the time. So we’ve upped your game with our very own Backup Manager.

Why InMotion Backup Manager?

Simply put, the best backup system is the simplest. And nothing is simpler than a single click activation.

With our easy-to-use Backup Manager you can create and restore full or partial file backups with a few clicks.

You can also automate your own scheduled backups to trigger at the most convenient times. You’ll never have to get caught without a backup ever again.

Backup Manager Pricing

Below is the latest pricing for Backup Manager and additional storage.

Backup Manager - $2.50/monthAdditional 450GB Block - $67.50/month
Additional 10GB Block - $1.50/monthAdditional 500GB Block - $75.00/month
Additional 20GB Block - $3.00/month Additional 550GB Block - $82.50/month
Additional 30GB Block - $4.50/month Additional 600GB Block - $90.00/month
Additional 40GB Block - $6.00/month Additional 650GB Block - $97.50/month
Additional 50GB Block - $7.50/month Additional 700GB Block - $105.00/month
Additional 100GB Block - $15.00/month Additional 750GB Block - $112.50/month
Additional 150GB Block - $22.50/month Additional 800GB Block - $120.00/month

NOTE: Only $2.50/month gets you 10 GB of storage and only $1.50 per additional 10 GB. At checkout, the total charge will include a prorated amount for each month until your next web hosting subscription's renewal date. This way your Web Hosting and Backup Manager subscriptions' renewal dates align for one convenient renewal payment based on the term you selected for your hosting plan. Additional storage can be added directly from your Account Management Panel.

If you’d like more specifics about how Backup Manager works, feel free to check in with one of our hosting experts anytime.

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