Refurbished Dedicated Servers – A Solid Hosting Solution

Refurbished Dedicated Servers - An Alternative Option

When shopping for a dedicated server, you may find yourself looking for an affordable, yet reliable hosting solution. Newly built dedicated servers can be prohibitively expensive, making it difficult for small businesses or independent users to enter the field of dedicated hosting. Fortunately, Refurbished dedicated servers exist as an affordable and reliable dedicated hosting solution. In this article, we will discuss how InMotion Hosting certifies Refurbished Servers to ensure they meet industry standards. 

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What is a Dedicated Server?

What is a Dedicated Server? Hero Image

Welcome to our blog post on “What is a Dedicated Server?” Here at InMotion Hosting, we understand the importance of finding the right hosting solution to meet your unique needs. In this article, we will jump into the world of dedicated servers and assess the benefits they bring to your online ventures. A dedicated server offers unparalleled power and control by providing an entire server solely dedicated to your business or personal use. We’ll explore the advantages of dedicated hosting, including enhanced performance, scalability, and security, as well as how InMotion Hosting’s dedicated server solutions can empower your online presence. Get ready to unlock the full potential of your website with our in-depth exploration of dedicated servers!

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Dedicated Server Cost: Finding The Right Price for Hosting

Dedicated Server Cost hero image

A dedicated server is a big investment for your business, but one that will pay off in the long run. Increased speed, security, and performance will not only make your website more user-friendly but will lead to more conversions and greater sales. In this article, we will explore dedicated server costs and discuss how to find a server that is right for you at an affordable price.

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Save Money and Increase Productivity by Running a VoIP System on Your Dedicated Server

Could your dedicated server actually help you to save money? The immense power and adaptability of InMotion Hosting’s Dedicated Server solutions mean they can provide unparalleled control, performance, and security for your website. But, there are so many other things these systems can do that few of us have ever really stopped to consider. One idea could actually help you save money on your phone bills every month!

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Upgrading to Dedicated Hosting: Why, When, and How?

Upgrading to Dedicated Hosting: Why, When, and How?

Before upgrading to dedicated hosting, it is important to consider a few different concepts. What do you plan to use the server for? Where you want your data center to be? How do you know if dedicated server hosting is right for you? These are all questions that need to be answered before you can begin the upgrade process. In this article, we will discuss uses of dedicated hosting, the importance of data center location, and aspects to consider when looking to upgrade your hosting.

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