WordPress VPS Hosting

Best VPS for WordPress

Secure and speed up your WordPress sites with a high-performance managed WordPress VPS – powered by UltraStack.

UltraStack logo

Fully-Isolated VPS

Privacy, security, and powerful server resources for your WordPress site.

Speed Icon

WordPress Performance

NGINX with advanced caching, load balancing, PHP-FPM, and Redis.

24/7 Availability

Maintain 99.99% uptime through 3x server replication.

Premium Hosting for Serious WordPress Websites

Superior Speed and Support for Your Mission-Critical WordPress Site

UltraStack 4GB RAM

You Save 30%
Renews at $16.67/mo
You Save 30%
Renews at $20.00/mo
  • 4 vCPU Compute Power
  • 4GB RAM
  • 150GB NVMe SSD Green Speed Icon
  • 3TB Bandwidth
  • 15 PHP Workers
  • 64MB+ Redis Cache Green Speed Icon
  • Platform i Control Panel
  • Advanced Security
    • Free SSL & Dedicated IP
    • Single Sign-On Authentication
    • Modsec Firewall
    • DDoS Protection
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Choice of Data Center
  • Live Phone and Chat Support
  • Launch Assist Available

UltraStack 6GB RAM

You Save 30%
Renews at $25.00/mo
You Save 30%
Renews at $30.00/mo
  • 6 vCPU Compute Power
  • 6GB RAM
  • 200GB NVMe SSD Green Speed Icon
  • 4TB Bandwidth
  • 25 PHP Workers
  • 96MB+ Redis Cache Green Speed Icon
  • Platform i Control Panel
  • Advanced Security
    • Free SSL & Dedicated IP
    • Single Sign-On Authentication
    • Modsec Firewall
    • DDoS Protection
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Choice of Data Center
  • Live Phone and Chat Support
  • Launch Assist Available

UltraStack 8GB RAM

You Save 30%
Renews at $50.00/mo
You Save 30%
Renews at $60.00/mo
  • 8 vCPU Compute Power
  • 8GB RAM
  • 250GB NVMe SSD Green Speed Icon
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 35 PHP Workers
  • 128MB+ Redis Cache Green Speed Icon
  • Platform i Control Panel
  • Advanced Security
    • Free SSL & Dedicated IP
    • Single Sign-On Authentication
    • Modsec Firewall
    • DDoS Protection
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Choice of Data Center
  • Live Phone and Chat Support
  • Launch Assist Available
Best Value

UltraStack 12GB RAM

You Save 30%
Renews at $66.67/mo
You Save 30%
Renews at $80.00/mo
  • 12 vCPU Compute Power
  • 12GB RAM
  • 300GB NVMe SSD Green Speed Icon
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 45 PHP Workers
  • 192MB+ Redis Cache Green Speed Icon
  • Platform i Control Panel
  • Advanced Security
    • Free SSL & Dedicated IP
    • Single Sign-On Authentication
    • Modsec Firewall
    • DDoS Protection
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Choice of Data Center
  • Dedicated Support Team
  • Launch Assist Included
    Free Website Migration ($199 value)
  • laurel accentPageSpeed Proslaurel accent
    Core Web Vitals Performance Audit & Expert Optimization

Each production plan serves one WordPress site for optimal performance and security.

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All-In-One Dashboard

Centralized platform for site management & publishing.

Built for Performance

Faster loading times with NVMe SSDs and Redis.

24×7 Customer Support

Get expert support via chat & ticket when you need us most.

Money-Back Guarantee

Industry leading money-back guarantee on all plans.

Meet the WordPress VPS UltraStack

Versatile, scalable, and infinitely customizable, 37 million websites are built on WordPress. However, the enormous benefits of the WordPress platform come at a price, namely size and speed. Our years of experience and expertise in WordPress hosting has led us to devise a hardware and software configuration that not only prevents slowdowns but optimizes both speed and reliability. The blazing-fast WordPress VPS UltraStack delivers the speed and reliability to keep your website humming and your visitors, customers, and clients coming back for more.

Nginx Logo


Nginx is used as a reverse-proxy to significantly speed up your website requests. This means you get very fast load times with our default installation.

PHP Icon


PHP-FPM manages how PHP is executed on the server. By using PHP-FPM, you’ll make more efficient – and more secure – use of your server.

Apache Icon


Apache, the most popular open-source web server, is used to serve your websites. Sitting behind NGINX, it secures and powers your server.

Redis Icon


Redis is an object cache that stores information and keeps them in a NoSQL database to serve from, so instead of having to continually pull the information it can serve it from memory.

SSD Icon


Our WordPress VPS plans utilize NVMe SSDs, providing 40x faster I/O speeds, enhancing site performance for bandwidth, databases, and data storage.

Green Speed icon


Virtual CPUs are crucial for ensuring efficient multitasking, faster processing, and improved responsiveness, resulting in optimal performance for your WordPress site.

HA Icon


Keep your WordPress site online 24/7. Each VPS is replicated three times for maximum uptime – ready to automatically spin up if needed.

Corero Icon


Protect your website against a wide range of attacks with DDoS protection and Modsec firewalls. Keeps your website safe and your clients happy.

Take your website’s speed to the next level with WordPress VPS UltraStack.


More WordPress UltraStack Features

Powered by Award-Winning Virtual Private Servers with the Fastest Go Live Time

G2 Winter 2024 Virtual Private Servers (VPS) Fastest Implementation Go Live Time

Fully Isolated Server

Achieve superior website performance with 40x faster I/O, multi-threaded computing power, and advanced caching.

SFTP & Root Access

Root access into your WordPress VPS using SFTP or SSH keys to leverage WP-CLI and other server commands.

99.99% Server Uptime

We keep your website online 24/7 with triple storage redundancy. Three exact replicas of your VPS are stored independently of each other, ensuring no service disruption.

Free SSL & Dedicated IP

Get direct server access using your unique IP address, and encrypt your data and web traffic with our free SSL certificate.

eCommerce Optimized

Stay protected with fully-isolated servers designed for security and optimized for fast and efficient processing of dynamic data.

Built for WordPress

Onboard quickly with a platform built for WordPress. Featuring servers with WordPress pre-installed and powerful tools to help optimize your site.

Managed WordPress

WordPress VPS Specifications

UltraStack 4GB RAM
You Save 30%
You Save 30%
UltraStack 6GB RAM
You Save 30%
You Save 30%
UltraStack 8GB RAM
You Save 30%
You Save 30%
UltraStack 12GB RAM
Best Value
You Save 30%
You Save 30%
Products:Learn More
Managed WordPress Features
Compute Power4 vCPUs6 vCPUs8 vCPUs12 vCPUs
SSD Storage150GB NVMe200GB NVMe250GB NVMe300GB NVMe
PHP Workers15253545
Dedicated OpCode Cache Pool256MB+384MB+512MB+768MB+
Redis Persistent Object Cache Speed icon64MB+96MB+128MB+192MB+
Free Dedicated IP & SSL
Launch Assist
PageSpeed Pro Services
Core Web Vitals Performance Audit & Expert Optimization
Playground Environments111515
W3 Total Cache Included
Optional Caching Layers
Premium DNS Management
Domain RegistrationAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailable
Integrated EmailAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailable
Data Center LocationsUnited States   NetherlandsUnited States   NetherlandsUnited States   NetherlandsUnited States   Netherlands
Phone, Chat & Ticket Support
UltraStack 4GB RAM
Managed WordPress Features
Compute Power
4 vCPUs
SSD Storage
150GB NVMe
PHP Workers
Dedicated OpCode Cache Pool
Redis Persistent Object Cache Speed icon
Free Dedicated IP & SSL
Launch Assist
Not Included
PageSpeed Pro Services
Core Web Vitals Performance Audit & Expert Optimization
Not Included
Playground Environments
W3 Total Cache Included
Optional Caching Layers
Premium DNS Management
Domain Registration
Integrated Email
Data Center Locations
United States   Netherlands
Phone, Chat & Ticket Support
UltraStack 6GB RAM
Managed WordPress Features
Compute Power
6 vCPUs
SSD Storage
200GB NVMe
PHP Workers
Dedicated OpCode Cache Pool
Redis Persistent Object Cache Speed icon
Free Dedicated IP & SSL
Launch Assist
Not Included
PageSpeed Pro Services
Core Web Vitals Performance Audit & Expert Optimization
Not Included
Playground Environments
W3 Total Cache Included
Optional Caching Layers
Premium DNS Management
Domain Registration
Integrated Email
Data Center Locations
United States   Netherlands
Phone, Chat & Ticket Support
UltraStack 8GB RAM
Managed WordPress Features
Compute Power
8 vCPUs
SSD Storage
250GB NVMe
PHP Workers
Dedicated OpCode Cache Pool
Redis Persistent Object Cache Speed icon
Free Dedicated IP & SSL
Launch Assist
Not Included
PageSpeed Pro Services
Core Web Vitals Performance Audit & Expert Optimization
Not Included
Playground Environments
W3 Total Cache Included
Optional Caching Layers
Premium DNS Management
Domain Registration
Integrated Email
Data Center Locations
United States   Netherlands
Phone, Chat & Ticket Support
UltraStack 12GB RAM
Managed WordPress Features
Compute Power
12 vCPUs
SSD Storage
300GB NVMe
PHP Workers
Dedicated OpCode Cache Pool
Redis Persistent Object Cache Speed icon
Free Dedicated IP & SSL
Launch Assist
PageSpeed Pro Services
Core Web Vitals Performance Audit & Expert Optimization
Playground Environments
W3 Total Cache Included
Optional Caching Layers
Premium DNS Management
Domain Registration
Integrated Email
Data Center Locations
United States   Netherlands
Phone, Chat & Ticket Support
Included In All Plans
    Convenient WordPress Tools
  • Manage Core, Plugin & Theme Updates
  • WordPress Pre-Installed
  • No Plugin Blacklists
  • Site Health Monitor
  • Multi-User Access Management
  • SFTP, SSH & Root Access
  • Git CLI Ready
  • Live State Snapshots
    Performance Features
  • Cloud-Based VPS
  • Multi-Threaded Compute Power
  • Triple Failover Redundancy
  • WordPress Optimized
  • PHP 8.1+ Supported
  • NGINX Reverse Proxy
  • Brotli Compression
  • Compatible with All CDNs
    Advanced Security
  • Fully-Isolated Production Environment
  • Managed Server Updates
  • Single Sign-On Authentication
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF) by Modsec
  • Brute Force Protection
  • DDoS Protection

Optimized Website Performance

WordPress Performance Experts

Enjoy complimentary access to our specialized site optimization service – starting with our UltraStack 12GB RAM plan. Our PageSpeed Pros Service team can help you leverage the technology on your VPS to get your site to “all green” Core Web Vitals. We’ll tune up new or existing WordPress sites for improved load times, interactivity, and visual stability.

Add our PageSpeed Optimization Service to any plan, starting at $199.


Chat with a Specialist

WordPress VPS Hosting FAQs

What is WordPress VPS Hosting?

WordPress VPS Hosting is a specialized virtual private server designed specifically for WordPress, offering a high level of security, performance, control, and uptime.

  • Security – InMotion Hosting uses fully-isolated cloud servers that secure your data and prevent cross-infection from other WordPress sites. Each site receives a dedicated IP address to enhance site security and prevent blacklisting, which is a problem when you host multiple sites on the same server.
  • Performance – WordPress VPS Hosting provides dedicated resources for each website hosted on the server, ensuring faster page load times and improved site performance. You won’t find vCPUs or RAM on a shared hosting environment.
  • Control – WordPress VPS is the best option for users looking for more flexibility and control over their server environment and settings.
  • Uptime – Rooted in cloud technology, each WordPress production server has triple failover redundancy measures in place to keep your site online 24/7.

Does VPS Hosting help speed up WordPress?

To be fast, a WordPress site needs VPS hosting with features such as high-performance vCPUs, solid-state drives (SSD), sufficient RAM, and optimized web server software. 

Our WordPress VPS Hosting platform leverages a custom-built infrastructure to optimize your hosting environment to exactly what WordPress needs to perform. You get the raw hardware performance of a custom stack with layered caching that allows you to fine-tune directives for caching mechanisms.

With top-notch hardware, software, and server infrastructure, your website will be able to handle any amount of traffic and deliver a smooth, responsive experience for your visitors.

Benefits of hosting WordPress on a VPS include:

  • Servers Optimized for WordPress
  • Root Access and Dedicated IP Address
  • Apache and NGINX Reverse Proxy
  • Advanced Caching Layers
  • Redis Persistent Object Caching
  • Dedicated OpCode Cache Pool
  • Managed Hosting and Server Updates

Is the VPS environment optimized for Core Web Vitals and page speed?

InMotion Hosting’s WordPress VPS hosting solutions are expertly tuned to meet and exceed the Core Web Vitals and page speed requirements. We understand the critical role these factors play in delivering a seamless and enjoyable user experience for your website visitors. Here’s how we ensure your site performs at its best with our “All Green” Core Web Vitals Guarantee:

  • Server Optimization: Our VPS environments are optimized for speed and reliability. We utilize the latest server software and configurations to ensure your WordPress site loads quickly and consistently.
  • Caching Solutions: We employ advanced caching mechanisms, including server-level and application-level caching, to dramatically reduce load times and improve performance. This includes object caching and page caching for your WordPress site.
  • Support and Advice: Our team of experts is well-versed in WordPress performance optimization. We provide support and guidance to help you make the most of our hosting environment and achieve all green Core Web Vitals scores.

Why is a VPS better for WordPress than a shared server?

A fully-isolated VPS is better than a shared server for WordPress because it offers dedicated resources for vCPU, RAM, and storage. With a VPS, the resources are completely separated from other users, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities. An isolated server also provides better performance and more control over the server environment, which is crucial for managing a WordPress website with custom configurations and resource-intensive plugins.

In contrast, when other sites on a shared hosting server use up the shared resources, it can cause performance issues for all the sites on the server, including slow page load times, server downtime, and even crashes. Since all the sites on the server share the same resources, such as vCPU, RAM, and bandwidth, if one site experiences a sudden spike in traffic or resource usage, it can impact the performance of all sites on the server. Additionally, if a site on a shared server is compromised due to security vulnerabilities, it affects the security of all the other sites on the server, putting them at risk of data breaches or malware infections.

Why are PHP workers important for a WordPress site?

PHP workers are important for a WordPress site because they enable the server to handle multiple requests simultaneously, allowing for faster page load times and improved performance, especially during periods of high traffic or resource-intensive tasks. PHP workers also offer better support for advanced features and WordPress plugins that require additional processing power.

Can I host more than one WordPress site on a VPS?

At InMotion Hosting, we provide two distinct hosting options, each tailored to different needs when it comes to hosting multiple WordPress sites on a VPS.

  • WordPress VPS Hosting on Platform i: With our WordPress VPS Hosting plans, we focus on delivering optimal performance and security for your website. In this environment, we host one WordPress site on a single server. This setup is designed to offer top-tier performance and robust security. Each site you host gets its own dedicated database, ensuring data isolation and enhanced reliability. You’ll manage your site effortlessly using our user-friendly Platform i.
  • Managed VPS Hosting on cPanel: If you’re looking to host multiple WordPress sites, our VPS Hosting plans are the perfect solution. With these plans, you can host multiple WordPress websites on the same server. These sites, along with their respective databases, are efficiently managed using cPanel, a powerful and widely-used control panel. This means you can conveniently oversee all your websites from a centralized dashboard, streamlining your management tasks and making it easier to scale as your online presence grows.

So, whether you have a single WordPress site and want the utmost in performance and security, or you’re managing multiple WordPress sites and need a unified platform to streamline your operations, InMotion Hosting has a solution tailored to your specific needs. Join us and experience the flexibility and performance that your WordPress websites deserve.

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