Team Member Profile: Matt Bell

mattb-teamHometown: Portsmouth, VA
Position: Sales Supervisor
InMotion Hosting team member since February 2009




How did you get started in the web hosting field?
I’ve always been the person that my family and friends approached for computer related issues, but the first time I heard anything about Web Hosting was actually when starting with InMotion. From there I quickly found that the industry is one of the only industries that is constantly evolving and growing, which is extremely exciting. WordPress is where I first learned the art of web design and especially coding, and now I’m not only a contact for computer problems but the person that my friends and family contact about setting up their website! Continue reading –>

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

October NewslsetterAs the final sentences of 2014 are being written, many are beginning to plan and outline the 2015 chapter of their book. The new year presents a clean slate, an opportunity to turn the page and change the narrative. While most resolutions include ramping up gym attendance, cutting back on the lattes and spending less time binge-watching Netflix, some people are looking to kick start, refine or expand their new businesses. While we can’t run next to you on the treadmill or monitor your caloric intake, we can give you a couple of recommendations on how to make sure the next chapter in your business’ story doesn’t become its epilogue. Below are 5 New Year’s resolutions for the aspiring entrepreneur. Continue reading –>

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