How can I set my email server to only accept email from certain IP address ranges?

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I need to set my email server to only accept email from a list of several IP address ranges.  I am trying to close any relaying that might be going on with my email server.

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Hi Vic, the easiest way to set this up is going to be by using email filtering. If you have a VPS account, you should also be able to use root WHM to filter emails by country or domain. Based on your other question, it sounds like you're getting into some custom configurations, so I'd also recommend you refer to the official cPanel documentation for setting things up outside of our usual scope. Hope that helps!

  • Answer
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Hi Vic, the easiest way to set this up is going to be by using email filtering. If you have a VPS account, you should also be able to use root WHM to filter emails by country or domain. Based on your other question, it sounds like you're getting into some custom configurations, so I'd also recommend you refer to the official cPanel documentation for setting things up outside of our usual scope. Hope that helps!