Website Down : Database Error
My site in almost completely unusable. I do not have a backup of the site or the databases. This was a huge oversite but I am trying move forward to fix the problem. The only starting place I have is that the site returns a "HTTP ERROR 500" for some pages and "A database error occurred while processing this request." message for others when trying to visit the site. is the site and the site running on Concrete5. Any help would be appreciated.
I do apologize for the difficulties that you have been having with your website. I took a look at your site and your notes. There are no backups of the database and it appears that this error is causing the 500 error message that you're seeing:
Failed loading /opt/php70/lib/php/extensi
ons/no-debug-non-zts-20151012/ /opt/php70/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20151012/ cannot open shared o
bject file: No such file or directory, referer:
Note that the message indicates PHP7.0 in the directory path for the Zend Guard Loader. As soon as I set 7.0 as your PHP version, a host of errors appear. I would recommend re-loading using the application in order to get the core files back in and then re-start from there.
If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.
Arnel C.