Error 522 using CloudFlare

  • updated
  • Answered

I'm again experiencing the error 522 on my domain

It's still not clear to me if the problem is related to Cloudflare itself and so i should consider using it or nor, or is it from inmotion side ?


Duplicates 5
my website is not loading error 522 connection timed out

Hello everyone, I have registered a domain with you . Until some day ago the website was perfectly working but not the website is not loading and I receive the message of Cloudflare service: error 522 connection timed out. 

The indication provides hints to the problem: "Contact your hosting provider letting them know your web server is not completing requests. An Error 522 means that the request was able to connect to your web server, but that the request didn't finish".

Can you please help me to troubleshoot the problem. I have not made any changes in Cloudflare. I am adding a screenshot of the message 

I am looking forward to hearing from you in this regard,

Best regards,


Image 148

Error 522 Time Out
Timing out.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=414ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=391ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=328ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=103ms TTL=47

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 103ms, Maximum = 414ms, Average = 309ms
1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms []
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 185 ms 180 ms 199 ms [8
4 255 ms 222 ms 237 ms [213.1
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 210 ms 213 ms 203 ms [62.254
8 219 ms 319 ms 293 ms
9 237 ms 271 ms 250 ms []
10 342 ms 359 ms 368 ms [
11 324 ms 305 ms 319 ms []
12 355 ms 308 ms 272 ms []
13 332 ms 371 ms 351 ms []

14 337 ms 324 ms 319 ms [
15 347 ms 376 ms 397 ms []

16 368 ms 376 ms 350 ms [
17 327 ms 289 ms 294 ms [74.208
18 272 ms 303 ms 304 ms [74.208.1
19 376 ms 264 ms 312 ms []

How Do I Fix a 522 Error on My Website?
What can I do?
If you're a visitor of this website:
Please try again in a few minutes.
If you're the owner of this website:
Contact your hosting provider letting them know your web server is not completing requests. An Error 522 means that the request was able to connect to your web server, but that the request didn't finish. The most likely cause is that something on your server is hogging resources. Additional troubleshooting information here.
Website is offline with the Error 522 using Cloudflare

I was at first trying to look at a picture from host on my server because it did'nt not show up on the website, and I got this message :

"This website is offline. The server may be down for maintenance, there may be a network problem, or the site may be experiencing excessive load. "

I'm actually using Clouflare services and wonder if the problem come from them or you ? When I try to access the wp-admin of my wordpress website this is also randomly giving me the same Error 522...

What is happening ?

Thank you,
I'm getting a 522 error from Cloudflare for my domain

I am getting a 522 Error from for domain

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  • Answer
Quote from alaswany_h@gmail com

دائما أواجه الخطأ ٥٢٢ في تشغيل تطبيق فوتكس ض الذي يتم فتحه عن طريق جوجل ولعدة مرات ولم يتم فتح التطبيق وكم من التطبيق لم يتم التشغيل بنفس الخطأ

برجاء النظر

وابلاغي من أين يأتي الخطأ

ولكم مني جزيل الشكر


So, your're going to want to perform a tracert and then analyze it to see where the issue with the connection is. If your CMS cannot connect to your content, it's possible that you are dealing with brute force attacks, or that you are just having issues with resource limitations

There are many possible causes. It can sometimes be difficult figuring out the exact cause of the problem. I would suggest contacting our Live Support and asking for help tracking down the issue. I hope that helps!

  • Answer
Quote from alaswany_h@gmail com

دائما أواجه الخطأ ٥٢٢ في تشغيل تطبيق فوتكس ض الذي يتم فتحه عن طريق جوجل ولعدة مرات ولم يتم فتح التطبيق وكم من التطبيق لم يتم التشغيل بنفس الخطأ

برجاء النظر

وابلاغي من أين يأتي الخطأ

ولكم مني جزيل الشكر


So, your're going to want to perform a tracert and then analyze it to see where the issue with the connection is. If your CMS cannot connect to your content, it's possible that you are dealing with brute force attacks, or that you are just having issues with resource limitations

There are many possible causes. It can sometimes be difficult figuring out the exact cause of the problem. I would suggest contacting our Live Support and asking for help tracking down the issue. I hope that helps!

alaswany_h@gmail com
Quote from alaswany_h@gmail com

دئما في تشغيل تطبيق فوتكس ض الذي يتم فتحه عن طريق جوجل تظهر الخطأ ٥٢٢ دائما ولعدة مرات ولم يتم فتح التطبيق وكم من التطبيق لم يتم التشغيل بنفس الخطأ 

 برجاء النظر

وابلاغي من أين يأتي الخطأ

ولكم مني جزيل الشكر 

دائما أواجه الخطأ ٥٢٢ في تشغيل تطبيق فوتكس ض الذي يتم فتحه عن طريق جوجل ولعدة مرات ولم يتم فتح التطبيق وكم من التطبيق لم يتم التشغيل بنفس الخطأ

برجاء النظر

وابلاغي من أين يأتي الخطأ

ولكم مني جزيل الشكر

alaswany_h@gmail com

دئما في تشغيل تطبيق فوتكس ض الذي يتم فتحه عن طريق جوجل تظهر الخطأ ٥٢٢ دائما ولعدة مرات ولم يتم فتح التطبيق وكم من التطبيق لم يتم التشغيل بنفس الخطأ 

 برجاء النظر

وابلاغي من أين يأتي الخطأ

ولكم مني جزيل الشكر 

Hello, Thank you for contacting us about an error 522. In your tests, it seems you are successfully connecting to with "0% loss". Here is a helpful link to our guide on How to read a traceroute. I have also seen this error occur in some instances, when using cloudflare. See this similar question, to see if any of the examples apply to you. Let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you, John-Paul
Hello davidp, Thank you for contacting us about an Error 522 with CloudFlare. In this instance, I believe the error was caused by a brute force attempt on the users website. If this is the case for you, our guide on Stopping brute force and spam attacks, can help you mitigate this issue on your site. We can also provide specific guides based on your CMS, if you let us know what you are using. For example, are you using WordPress, Joomla, etc. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, John-Paul
Hello, Without any specific information regarding replicating the 522 Error we are unable to check for you. We have not had a report of any specific server having issues. You may want to contact Live Support so you can give the personal information for them to check your account. Kindest Regards, Scott M
The server may be down for maintenance, there may be a network problem, or the site may be experiencing excessive load.
Hello rely30, Thank you for contacting us. I am not aware of any issues on the sever that houses your account. We are happy to help,but will need a little more information. What problems are you experiencing with your website when the error 522 occurs? Are you getting any errors on your actual website? In a shared server setting, you are literally "sharing" the server's resources with other websites. This means there may be times when you are affected by another website, because it is running a script, or getting a rush of traffic. Here is a helpful link to an article that explains the difference between Shared, VPS, and Dedicated servers. Our System Admins monitor the servers 24/7 for accounts abusing the resources, so we can keep the sites functional. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul
Hello rely30, Thank you for your question. I looked into this further and coudflare states " The most common reason why this would occur is that either a program, cron job or resource is taking up more resources than it should causing the server not to be able to respond to all requests properly. " With shared hosting, you are sharing the resources with other users, meaning if someone has a script that is functioning incorrectly, or their site is running a cron job that is resource intensive it can affect people sharing the server with them. Our Systems Team actively monitors the servers for this type of issue, so that we can suspend the problem users, or kill a long-running process or script. Since at this time your website is functioning correctly, it is difficult to troubleshoot. But, it looks like this may have been what occurred. As a test in the future, you can perform a ping/tracert to your server to see if it is responding. You can determine your server name by looking at your Temp URL, for example if your temp url is: You will ping and tracert to: Since this is public forum, it may be more useful to contact live support at the time this is happening, so they can replicate and troubleshoot the issue in real-time. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul
Hello Pwagner, Sorry to hear you're getting an error message when visiting the site. I'm not seeing the error however. When I go to, I see a normal web page. Can you please give us more information or the steps to duplicate the problem? At this time, I have no idea how you are getting the error. If we have the steps to find/duplicate the problem then we would be happy to troubleshoot the issue for you. I did lookup the error per Cloudflare's support page: Error 522. They state that a connection starts on the origin web server but the request cannot be completed. All we have is your URL, so we're not sure if you're referring to a cron job, or other area of your website. Please provide us some further information, and we can investigate the issue for you. Regards, Arnel C.