I was wondering what you are doing to protect against the WordPress Pugin vulnerabilities?

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I am worried about the security of the website. I would like to know if you help protect and detect compromised websites, what tools are being used, and if you will notify me if something were to happen to our website.  

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Satisfaction mark by natesha 5 years ago

Awesome thank you! 

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Hello and thanks for asking. We have many internal processes for securing WordPress and other CMSs at the server level. The most public processes are the temporarily disabled login and account scans (on request).

We also encourage everyone to use multiple security measures:

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

  • Answer
  • Answered

Hello and thanks for asking. We have many internal processes for securing WordPress and other CMSs at the server level. The most public processes are the temporarily disabled login and account scans (on request).

We also encourage everyone to use multiple security measures:

Please let us know if you have any further questions.