Using Google reCAPTCHA with NMS form mail
I've tried to incorporate google's reCAPTCHA to the nms formmail but without any luck. The google directions are for Matt's script formmail. Anyone know how to correctly add the script to the nms form mail? Help much appreciated!
It runs flawlessly on Linux servers at two other webhosts. On the inmotion server with debug enabled, I got a "close sendmail pipe failed" error. I was able to get rid of the error by commenting out two lines in the script at around line 539 (depending on the number of "%recipient_alias" lines you have.
sub endmail {
my ($self) = @_;
#$self->{Pipe}->close or die "close sendmail pipe failed, mailprog=[$self->{Mailprog}]";
delete $self->{Pipe};