Edit my website

  • Answered
I want to edit my website by adding or changing information in the footer etc. Can you help?
Duplicates 4
why am I not able to edit my website at all
how do i edit text in my website
I don't remember how to login and edit my website. I have the admin login info
Tell me how I can edit my website
I am completely new to owning and operating a website. My intent is to blog about the things that interest me. I would like to include pictures. Perhaps someday I can sell things or advertisers will pay me.
I have been unsuccessful accessing the design panels of my website. How do I get where I need to be to actually edit my website?
How do I edit my website?
I don't know the address to use to actually start editing my website - or how to change the theme. Please help. :) thanks !
Hello shari, I'm sorry you're having trouble creating and editing your site. While looking into this for you, I see that you are using the Premium Website Builder to create your site. Are you having trouble logging into the builder? If the issue is with your builder password, you can reset the builder password through AMP. If the issue is something else, please let us know any errors you may be seeing when trying to log in or edit pages in the builder. Regards, Christi N.
Hello Stanley, and thank you for your question. From what I can tell it would appear that you can modify the footer information for the CRE Loaded software that you're running in the following files: /includes/languages/english.php

// footer text in includes/footer.php define('FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE', 'requests since'); // footer text define('FOOTER_TEXT1_BODY', 'Copyright © ' . date("Y") . ' <a target="_blank" href="http://www.crecommerce.com/">Chain Reaction Ecommerce, Inc.</a> Powered by <a target="_blank" href="http://www.creloaded.com">CRE Loaded</a>'); define('FOOTER_TEXT2_BODY', '<br>Using ' . PROJECT_VERSION ); define('FOOTER_TEXT_BODY', '');


In this file you could simply place HTML code such for adding a logo, or additional text.

Please let us know if you have any further questions at all. - Jacob
Methods in how to edit your website depend on how you initially built your website. If you have not yet built your site, I personally recommend Wordpress which we have a lot of educational content on that can be found at the following: Wordpress education channel As we do not limit you in how you design your site, you may create it in any way you want. Many individuals also use things like Joomla or the Premium Website Builder as well.
Hello Shannonclements, Sorry to hear you're unable to login to your website. When I visited your account notes, I noted that there was a WordPress login noted. If that is the case, the general URL that is used for logging into the WordPress Admin can be found in the following article, Logging into to WordPress. If you need to learn about editing your Wordpress site, then check out our WordPress tutorials on how to use Wordpress. Editing text in your Wordpress site will typically involve a page or post. It may also depend on the theme you're using. Check out the tutorials to help you for your particular needs. If you're not using Wordpress, then please let us know exactly what you're using to edit your website and we would be happy to help. Kindest regards, Arnel C.
Hello, Thank you for your question regarding editing your website information. When I view your site, it is clearly built with WordPress. Here is a link to our guide on how to log into WordPress. You can then administer your website from the Admin Dashboard. Here is a helpful link to our full WordPress Education channel. Thank you, John-Paul