How can I fix a database error?

  • Answered
InMotion installed a cPanel backup on my account yesterday - as a result the database I created is gone and a new one is in its place. I don't know the password to configure my wp-config.php file. My site is down and showing a database error.

The backup that you requested restored on your account was from your old Cpanel from your other host. It was only restored upon your request (per the support ticket that I reviewed). Note that a cpanel restoration is designed to replace ALL of the files that were there before. So, trying to find the files that you're talking about - the database you had created and password configuration for a Wordpress configuration file, will probably be impossible to find. I also spoke with a Tier2c tech to confirm this issue. Our apologies for this inconvenience, but you will most likely find the best route to fixing this issue is to re-install Wordpress.