New to InMotion. Trying to ftp upload files using wput and I get receive errors. FileZilla works fine.

  • updated
  • Answered

I am trying to upload files from my home server to my new InMotion host.  I've used FileZilla to create the directories and have transferred to and from the host using Filezilla.  I can download files using wget, but uploading with wput fails.  Login is ok, but I get this in response:

Receive-Error: read() failed. Read '' so far. (errno: Success (0))
Receive-Error: Connection broke down.
09:47:47 (update_20200624093552.log) - ` 2.01M/s' [528]

Waiting 10 seconds... Receive-Error: read() failed. Read '' so far. (errno: Success (0))
Receive-Error: Connection broke down.

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  • Answer

I was able to get scp working, thank you for the suggestion, but the default port on scp failed.  I needed to use -P 2222 in order to get the operation to succeed.  Also the referenced article was ambiguous about which key (public or private) to use when.  I finally got it working after trying a number of permutations.

Net:  My problem has been solved, thank you for your help.

IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered

Hello TomWS,

Thanks for the question on using WPUT.  If you're using SSH to FTP your files, you will need to add your IP address to the firewall if you're on a VPS or Dedicated server.  If you're on a shared/reseller, then you would need to setup a key.  If the problem persists, then you will need to contact our live technical support team for further assistance.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest Regards,

Arnel C.


I don't see how this answer applies to me.  I am NOT using SSH.   I am using FTP from my home server using wput and it's not working.

IMH Support Agent 2

WPUT is a common Linux shell command for FTPing files.  How exactly are you using WPUT?  We can't see your screen, so we need a little more information in order to determine what you're referring to if you're using WPUT from something different.

FTP clients can also run from Windows as you indicated earlier.  If you're using any type of shell or command line, there would typically need to be some type of authentication.  You can't use an anonymous user to connect to the hosting server.  You can also try to make sure that you're using a registered user like your cPanel user for the login credentials.


Sorry I didn't include the whole output, here it is with my user name replaced with 'username' and my ip address replaced with ''.  As you can see, I successfully log in, but then the transfer fails.  In this example, I'm running wput from the command line, but, in practice, it is executed from a shell script launched by my home server.


root@hiw_server_v3:/tmp/reports_20200624113338# wput --reupload moistureData.txt ""
--13:00:00-- `moistureData.txt'
=> ftp://username:[email protected]:21/TWS_Staging/dataReports/HIW/moistureData.txt
Connecting to connected! encrypted!
Logging in as username ... Logged in!
Length: 776

Receive-Error: read() failed. Read '' so far. (errno: Success (0))
Receive-Error: Connection broke down.
13:00:01 (moistureData.txt) - ` 2.87M/s' [776]

Waiting 10 seconds... Receive-Error: read() failed. Read '' so far. (errno: Success (0))
Receive-Error: Connection broke down.
FINISHED --13:00:11--
Transferred 776 bytes in 1 file at 71.32B/s
Transmission of 1 file failed.

IMH Support Agent 2
Quote from TomWS

Sorry I didn't include the whole output, here it is with my user name replaced with 'username' and my ip address replaced with ''.  As you can see, I successfully log in, but then the transfer fails.  In this example, I'm running wput from the command line, but, in practice, it is executed from a shell script launched by my home server.


root@hiw_server_v3:/tmp/reports_20200624113338# wput --reupload moistureData.txt ""
--13:00:00-- `moistureData.txt'
=> ftp://username:[email protected]:21/TWS_Staging/dataReports/HIW/moistureData.txt
Connecting to connected! encrypted!
Logging in as username ... Logged in!
Length: 776

Receive-Error: read() failed. Read '' so far. (errno: Success (0))
Receive-Error: Connection broke down.
13:00:01 (moistureData.txt) - ` 2.87M/s' [776]

Waiting 10 seconds... Receive-Error: read() failed. Read '' so far. (errno: Success (0))
Receive-Error: Connection broke down.
FINISHED --13:00:11--
Transferred 776 bytes in 1 file at 71.32B/s
Transmission of 1 file failed.

Hello Tom,

So, I asked around and also looked up WPUT finding a site for it.  WPUT was last updated in 2013. This may be a contributing issue to the problem as systems have evolved - especially security that may affect file transfer.  One suggestion is that you use the IP address for the server (if you have not already done so).  However, I think it's logging in as per your error message but after that, it's failing to process the file transfer.  The Support Center staff for our website is separate from the live technical support staff.  The tech support staff will have more access to the servers to help determine what's happening.  We suggest that you contact the live tech support team with a complete explanation of the matter. They will have direct access to your server to see any error messages that pertain to the issue.

Another suggestion was to use SCP.  You can see how it's used in this article:  How to Use SCP for Secure File Transfer.

Apologies that we can assist you with this issue directly.  If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest Regards,

Arnel C.


Yes, I think you're right.  I need to use either sftp or scp and the article you referenced helps.  Unfortunately it's not the whole story because it doesn't provide the necessary references for matching the key between my home server and the inmotion account, but I think I've seen this elsewhere and maybe can muddle through with this.  I did open a ticket on this, but haven't heard anything yet.

Thank you for your help (and persistence!).

  • Answer

I was able to get scp working, thank you for the suggestion, but the default port on scp failed.  I needed to use -P 2222 in order to get the operation to succeed.  Also the referenced article was ambiguous about which key (public or private) to use when.  I finally got it working after trying a number of permutations.

Net:  My problem has been solved, thank you for your help.