Problems setting up

  • Answered
What I need:
Linux Server
Mysqli PHP extension
Apache or NGINX Web Server
PHP 5.6 with multibyte string, ZIP archive support
PDO sqlite, mysql, mysqli
MySQL version 5.5 or above (5.6 recommended for fulltext search)
MySQL InnoDB Database Engine
Zend Guard Loader with PHP 5.6 support (required for all license types)
GD2 Library or higher
exif PHP extension (responsible for image processing, including on Mobile)
Apache mod_rewrite enabled
Enabled PHP5 - curl ssl
Enabled Zlib extension
Register Globals OFF
Enabled PHP functions - fopen, fclose, fwrite
Minimum memory limit of 512MB for smooth operation
In addition you need the following if you are going to use the Chat module:
Node.js - v. 0.10.33 or higher.
MongoDB - db version v. 2.0.4 or above.
pdfile version 4.5 or higher.
Hello Ave21, Thanks for asking about your hosting server needs. This type of question will typically need to addressed with our sales team. They can tell you what type of hosting account best meets your needs. Based on what you have said above, you would need either a VPS or Dedicated server with root access. Anything that isn't part of the typical build you would need to add yourself, or request to have it added. You will not be able to use a shared server account (Business level accounts) with the requirements listed above. I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Regards, Arnel C.