How do reset my password in Builder

  • Answered
I have attempted to reset my password without any luck. I got a prompt saying password could not be reset.
Thank you for your question diskodany! There are several ways to reset the builder password. Unfortunately, the information that was provided does not give us the information we need so we've included 3 different ways to reset it. 1. Resetting through AMP: Please see the following link on this. How Do I change my Premium Website Builder Login Password? 2. Resetting in the builder itself: Please see the following link on this. Updating your password setting in Premium Website Builder 3. Have Tech support Reset it: Tech support can reset the password if all these previous attempts fail. Please contact support at 1-888-321-4678 ext 2, Log into chat and have a tech reset it or email [email protected] and ask for the password to be reset. You will need to verify the account with the current AMP password or the last 4 digits of the credit card file when contacting us to reset it. Regards James R