I'm trying to install WordPress using fantastico and I get this error in red:
You have reached the maximum of allowed MySQL databases. Fantastico can not proceed with installations until you upgrade your account or reduce the number of used databases (for example by uninstalling a script).
I can't remember logging in before. I don't know why I've reached maximum of allowed MySql Databases. How do i fix this?
Hello poouster59,
That error means you have already used the database slots provided by your hosting plan. I see you currently have other wordpress installations that have used those slots.
I see one was installed on July 11, and the other appears to have been installed today.
You will need to either remove one of them to install the new one, or you may also opt to upgrade your account via your AMP (Account Management Panel)
Best Regards,
Scott M
This article is being kept in our Support Center for our VPS and Dedicated Customers who may still be using Fantastico. For all other users, please see our Softaculous software installation guide for more help with installing programs such as WordPress and Joomla.