inmotionhosting support not secure , cpanel login not secure
Hi, I usually access, but noticed today that it appears 'not secure' in my browser. Also when I came here , this area also shows 'not secure' in my browser, but other sites are just fine including AMP login. Is this happening with other people or is it just my cookies or something?
Thank you for your question on secure access. By default, runs over port 80. This is the normal, non-secure internet port. will run over the secure port 443.
When you see the non-secure warnings, this does not mean they are connecting insecurely (if you use https://) but rather that the specific trust certificate is not in place.
While you can certainly purchase and put in place an SSL for, it is not necessary as you you and your admins, know what you are connecting to, so you can trust it.
If you are visiting a site that you do not own, say (made up, by the way) and see non-secure, you should be wary.
Basically, the certificate itself does not make the transmission secure. The port does. The certificate is for those who are not certain that the path they are traveling is secure and registered for that specific domain.
For our site here, the portion is not over the secure port. The login section, however, transfers to a secure port in the background when used.
Kindest Regards,
Scott M