My web site is extremely slow following an update yesterday.

  • Answered is a wordpress web site and is responding very slowly since an update yesterday when I added a single post to the site. Traffic to the site since then has been a bit higher, but nothing that should tax the server.

The site mostly appears down, and is slow to respond when it does load.

Is the site throttled or in any other way limited in such a way as to explain this extraordinary level of downtime?

This site is mission critical for our organization, and this degree of downtime is very difficult to deal with.
Hello Jehrholr, I'm sorry to hear that your website is loading slow for you. When I test it, comes up immediately. I also checked the server load (both the past few days history and today), but it all appears to be normal. This does not mean that there might not be a problem, but for all appearances, the server does appear normal. Connection issues can occur in the connection between the visiting computer and the server, so the best way to troubleshoot this is to use the Ping/Traceroute diagnostic. It would help to identify if the issue is in the route to access the server from your location. Apologies that we can't provide a direct answer at this time. You may want to consider using WordPress caching to help with load times. Additionally, if it's a mission critical site, then you should also consider either an upgrade to a VPS or Dedicated server account as an option. I hope this helps to provide an answer to the issue. If you continue to have problems, then please provide more information, such as a specific URL or steps to duplicate the problem if it's consistent and we would happy to investigate the issue in more depth. Kindest regards, Arnel C.