I want to install Word Press on Temp URL but the Temp URL shows exactly the same as the current live Premium Builder version of the site

  • Answered
I am new to developing web sites and have only set up a web site for my wife’s business using the premium site builder.

I am trying to develop a new website using Word Press and have read the installation instructions and the guide on installing Word Press on the temporary URL.

The guide recommends installing Word Press on the domain itself and then make some changes to the wp-config.php to link it to the temporary URL. I have added the recommended code to link it to the temporary URL but when I type in the temporary URL address the page that appears is exactly the same as the current live site which as stated was built using the premium site builder.

Just to make you aware when first installing Word Press I received a warning that a particular file already existed in the root domain and did I want to overwrite it. I assumed this file existed as the site is up and running as a result of using the premium web builder. I therefore installed Word Press in a sub folder/directory.

I would appreciate assistance regarding installing Word Press on the temporary URL and in enabling the temporary URL address to show the Word Press site. I would also appreciate any advice you can give me regarding getting the Word Press site up and running on the temporary site and then parking the current live premium web builder site and replacing it with the Word Press site.

If it helps my wife’s site is www.fromdusktilldawnparties.co.uk


Hello Terry, and thanks for your question. You actually only need to use the temporary URL for your WordPress installation, if you haven't already pointed your domain name to our server. Since you've installed WordPress into a sub-directory of your main /public_html/ directory, you just need to enter in /wordpress onto the end of your domain to access the WordPress files instead of having it default to the Premium Website Builder files that are in the main directory. I've gone ahead and commented out the settings you placed in your wp-config.php file, that way it will just default to the home directory that you set in the WordPress database itself when installing it. So again, all you need to do in order to access your WordPress installation is use the following URL: www.fromdusktilldawnparties.co.uk/wordpress Please let us know if you have any further issues at all. - Jacob