Wordpress Installed but the link doesn't work

  • Answered
I installed Wordpress and it says it was successful and provides a link to the site and the admin site, but the link doesn't work. I installed it under the domain name. So it is http://mydomain.com
Does it take awhile for it to work?
Hello mcwlobo, Thank you for your question regarding a new Wordpress installation. If it is a newly registered domain, or the DNS was updated recently it can take up to 24 hours to propagate. Otherwise, it should load immediately. I recommend contacting support if this issue persists. They are available 24/7 via: Email: inmotionhosting.com Phone: 888-321-HOST (4678) 757-416-6575 (Intl.) & Chat (there is a link on the top right). Thank you, -John-Paul