
  • Answered
How do I enable DNSSEC for my domain?
Hi Mossback, I took a look further into DNSSEC for you, and a came across the following cPanel post: Filed: [Case 4386] DNSSEC support in cPanel The thread is over three pages long and began on "08-07-2008 11:00 PM". While cPanel does not have this feature implemented, I'm sure they will one day implement it. To answer your question, currently we do not have a way to enable DNSSEC for you. To have it at this time would require that you use a third party DNS service that offers this functionality, or you would have to be on VPS Hosting (or Dedicated) with root access and know how to set it up. I'm sure this isn't the answer you're looking for, but I hope this at least answers your question. Please let me know if you have any follow up questions or if there is anything further I can assist with. Thanks, - Brad