Exceeded max emails per hour message

  • Answered
I am trying to use the email notification feature of our hosted buggenie instance. This morning I got a message that the domain has exceeded its maximum emails per hour. However, as far as I can tell, we only sent one email today.
We use google for our mail, so the only outgoing mail using your email server should be from thebuggenie instance.
Can you help me to understand what's going on?
Hello Catstoday, Sorry for the problem with the exceeded max emails per hour message. In order for us to look at this issue we would need to know the specific domain name involved in the error message. The domain you associated with this post does have several accounts based on our email server, but no emails appear to have left them in some time. If you wish for us to investigate the issue, please provide us the bounce-back message with the account specifics. Please understand that the Support Center is a public forum. If you wish to have this issue discussed in private, then please submit a verified support ticket to our live technical support team. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.