Problem with Password Protect Directories, to protect wp login

  • Answered
I have multisite wp install and I setup Password Protect Directories, to protect wp login, with the instructions I find hear: Every thing was ok until the last step: /public_html/.htaccess When I put this code, I get a 500 internal server error: AuthType Basic AuthName "Secure Area" AuthUserFile "/home/example/.htpasswds/public_html/wp-admin/passwd" require valid-user Of course I replaced the user name with mine. The server authentication window, previous to login, works any way. Any idea? Thanks in advance
Hello [email protected],

Thank you for your question on WordPress security. It seems that it may be WordFence that is conflicting. I would suggest disabling the plugin for a few moments to test out the .htaccess rule. If it works then you will know for sure the culprit. If you need an alternative I would suggest Bulletproof security for WordPress.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens