Add Link to Website to Execute a .jnlp File

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I have set up a standalone client server system. Java Swing frontend and SQL Server backend. Front end presents two data entry menus for me to enter client info. This is tested and now in use as local but I want employees to be able to come to my website (hosted by Inmotion and set up with Wordpress) and be able to access these menus and query the database. Have taught myself enough Java to get this far and put a website but have hit wall. The .jnlp file was created using NetBeans and Java Web Start. Is it as easy as 'posting' a link to the .jnlp file on my website ( and if so how do I do that? I have developed the app on Windows 8.
Hello, You will need to make sure you are on a VPS or Dedicated server in order to run the .jnlp files. The following tutorial should prove to be useful in regards to Java WebStart Apps. Best Regards, TJ Edens