Some users are getting redirected to inMotion url

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  • Answered
* I can't recreate issue but some users when they access they receive a page that says "In motion Hosting" with the logo and the IP address and can't view any of the website. Anyone have this issue before?
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Josh Green
  • Answer

Hello Sunitha. It looks like that domain has expired. If you are the owner of that domain, you'll want to reach out to your domain registrar directly. 

Hello FargonIndustries,

I was able to recreate the issue with the redirect and I realized it was an error on the server with DNS and I went ahead and fixed it as it should have been affecting other customers as well. Please allow 4-24 hours for the DNS to be fixed world wide.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens
sunitha sharma

i'm trying to log into website but it is getting redirected to

Josh Green
  • Answer

Hello Sunitha. It looks like that domain has expired. If you are the owner of that domain, you'll want to reach out to your domain registrar directly.