I use Microsoft Word to make my web pages. What effect will the PHP5.3 change mean to me?

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  • Answered
IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered

Hello CraigT,

Thanks for your question about how PHP 5.3 will affect your Word pages.  To be honest, it should have no effect depending on the context- how are you using PHP 5.3 with Word?  PHP 5.3 is actually old. The most current version of PHP is 74 -released in Dec 2019.  If you can specify what you mean about how PHP 5.3 affects you, then we may be able to give you a more specific answer.  

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest Regards,

Arnel C.


I use Microsoft Word simple word processor to create web pages in HTML. I don’t know anything about PHP, never did.


IMH Support Agent 2

Then there should no effect on you with PHP 5.3 if you are not using it.