why does my contact information for my domain name show "@dns-protect.net" as my email address?

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IMH Support Agent 3
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Thank you for submitting a question about contact information. Where are you seeing this listing?

Quote from IMH Support Agent 3

Thank you for submitting a question about contact information. Where are you seeing this listing?

It’s on the contact verification page that was emailed to me when I registered my domain name. After researching it more, I believe it is because I paid for the privacy option on my contact information. 

IMH Support Agent 3
Quote from norman

It’s on the contact verification page that was emailed to me when I registered my domain name. After researching it more, I believe it is because I paid for the privacy option on my contact information. 

Yes, it is because of the privacy feature. But it should not affect the proper functioning of the domain, and is safe to ignore.