Does inmotion offer bulletin board hosting services?

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IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for the question about bulletin board services.  Many young people today don't even remember BBS's, but they have basically been replaced by website formats like blogs or massive forum websites like Reddit.  My apologies, as I am older and grew up in the days when file sharing or discussion boards were mainly done through BBS's, AOL, or IRC. I mean no offense to our younger generations. BBS's were mainly text in nature, but any hosting service can support that as well.  I would recommend checking out InMotion's Shared Hosting services for budget solutions.  You may also want to consider using our WordPress Hosting as it's easy to create forum-based websites with WordPress.  

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest regards,
Arnel C.