Wondering what kind of web hosting to use for a blog

  • Answered
I'm looking to start a blog and got info on inmotion from Chris Guillebeau (side hustle). I'm looking to sign up but have no idea what kind of web hosting I should use. I'm completely new to this! Help! Thanks


Thank you for your question about the kind of web hosting you can use for a blog. It depends on how much resources you think you will need for the site. This will be influenced by the amount of traffic that you will initially get when the blog is live. If you want to start small, I would recommend looking at the Shared Business Hosting options. Start with the Power as a minimum level. Then, if needed you can move up from there. We do also provide WordPress Hosting as an option as well. I recommend WordPress as the application of choice if you're trying to create a blog. The WordPress specific hosting options means that WordPress software is installed for you.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.


Arnel C.